3DS《闪电十一人3 面向世界的挑战 The 王牙 Inazuma Eleven 3 – Team Ogre Attacks!》欧版3ds下载。本作其实是NDS时代的游戏《闪电十一人3:面向世界的挑战 The 王牙》的欧版作品,因为NDS时代的《闪电十一人3:面向世界的挑战 The 王牙》并未推出欧版,所以直接推出了3DS版。 下载地址(由星辰用户doiybe发布): ...
3DS《闪电十一人GO2时空之石·热风 Inazuma Eleven 3 – Bomb Blast》欧版3ds下载。《闪电十一人GO2时空之石热风》是由Level 5制作发行的一款足球角色扮演游戏。 《闪电十一人GO2时空之石热风》讲述的是在前作中取胜之后,世间一片风平浪静,但却遭到了自称为“PROTOCOL 奥米茄”的足球队的袭击。他们来自200年后...
Encounter a futuristic enemy looking to eradicate football from the course of history and take to the pitch alongside Canon Evans, the great-grandson of Mark Evans in Inazuma Eleven 3: Team Ogre Attacks!, only on Nintendo 3DS family systems!
游戏介绍 The original world-renowned soccer RPG INAZUMA ELEVEN is now available for digital download! Nobody loves soccer like Mark Evans. As captain of the Raimon Junior High soccer club, he dr… 信息来自官方 Nintendo eShop 商店网站,保留各项权利。 浏览...
Level-5 announced Inazuma Eleven for Nintendo 3DS has surpassed 200,000 downloads in Japan since it released 10 days ago on [...]
Inazuma Eleven Go Dark 3DS Info: Release Date: December 15, 2011 Genre : Role Playing Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Level-5 Region : JPN Languages:Japanese Platform : Nintendo 3DS Rom Type: CIA Download Links:JPN(1.6GB) ——— MegaUp|UptoBox|FilesUpload|1Fichier For Extracting...
NBA 2K 14 Platform: PS3 Price: PS34.99 Dust down your sneakers and head for the b-ball court, as 2K's annual basketball franchise slam dunks onto the PS3 system for another bout of superb sports simulation. The online competition cranks up another notch, too, as you face off against ...
3DS《闪电十一人GO 银河 超新星 Inazuma Eleven Go...,同时,也为下一步考证、换证打下良好的基础,充分做好上场考试的准备工作。