The first approach of Mozart's chamber music genre is the duo for piano and violin, especially the sonatas for piano and violin, as these also are his first publications.Mozart, although only 6 years old, has been attracted by the chamber music duo genre ever since the time when he ...
What does mezzo piano mean in music terms? What is orchestration in music appreciation? Define jazz improvisation and describe three kinds of improvisation. What is improvisation in music appreciation? What is a turn in music theory? What is the final part of a musical structure called?
A young-and-upcoming music composer specializing in scores for TV and Film. Although at the beginning of a long and winding career path, Halliwell is already known for his eclectic fusion of genres and high-impact creative output, having been brought under the wing and long-term guidance of ...
If I now go to the Piano Roll I can select individual notes in the selected region and modify quantisation parameters here - note for note, however when selecting different notes only the velocity parameter updates with each note reselected... say I choose a different quantisation value & diff...
R. Bresin and G. Battel, "Articulation strategies in expressive piano performance. analysis of legato, staccato, and repeated notes in performances of the andante movement of mozart's sonata in g major (k. 545)," Journal of New Music Research, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 211-224, 2000....
NAUNCEF, Alina-MariaMANAFU, Elena-MihaelaBulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series VIII: Performing Arts
Riggs,Robert,Daniel."Articulation in Mozart’’s and Beethoven’’s sonatas for piano and violin: Source-critical and Analytic studies". . 1987Riggs,Robert,Daniel."Articulation in Mozart’’s and Beethoven’’s sonatas for piano and violin: Source-critical and Analytic studies".. 1987...
Seven-note piano melodies were synthesized with staccato notes (short decay) or legato notes (gradual/sustained decay). Experiment 1 (n = 64) addressed the impact of articulation on perceived melodic cohesion and perceived emotion expressed through melodies. Participants rated melodic cohesion and ...
Upright and inverted audiovisual video clips of a person uttering syllables (experiments 1 and 2), playing musical notes on a piano (experiment 3), or a rhesus monkey producing vocalisations (experiment 4) were presented. Participants made unspeeded temporal-order judgments regarding which modality...
Englund's musical output is large; it includes seven symphonies (1946-89) and concertos for cello (1954), violin (1981), flute (1985), clarinet (1991), and two for piano, which was Englund's own instrument (1955 and 1974). He also wrote chamber...SivuojaGunaratnam, Anne...