INA296A5IDDFR是一款超精密双向电流检测放大器,可在 -5 V 至 110V 的宽共模范围内测量分流电阻器上的压降,与电源电压无关。该器件在 ±10µV(最大值)的低失调电压、±0.01%(最大值)的小增益误差和 166dB(典型值)的高直流 CMRR 等特性的综合作用下,可实现高精度电流测量。INA296x 拥有 1.1MHz 的高... 部件号:INA296A 我在数据表中找不到此参数。 INA2xx系列的输入阻抗是多少 ? 以下是和LT放大器的示例。 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如...
Part Number:INA296A Other Parts Discussed in Thread:OPA365,THS4541 你好,我看到电流检测放大器的带宽范围最大只能到1300KHz。有什么办法能测到电流中更高频的成分吗,比如5MHz? 还有,后面ADC是差分输入,我是不是还需要在电流检测放大器后面加一级全差分运放来转差分? 你好,我们测电流也是像下面这种高侧测电流。
According to datasheet of INA296A, the linear range of the output stage swing to Ground is limited to 20mV(max). Seems it can not detect current less than 4mA if using gain=50 and external shunt resistor=0.1ohm. circuit as below, If connect the gnd pin to -0.3...
你好!针对INA296A失调电压较大的问题,我为你提供一些建议来解决这个问题。1. 选择合适的器件:选择...
INA296A 2Mb/37P[Old version datasheet]INA296x-Q1 AEC-Q100, –5 V to 110 V, Bidirectional, 1.1 MHz, 8 V/μs, Ultra-Precise Current Sense Amplifier FEBRUARY 2023 INA296A 2Mb/37P[Old version datasheet]INA296x-Q1 AEC-Q100, –5 V to 110 V, Bidirectional, 1.1 MHz, 8 V/μs, Ult...
INA296A: INA296A connection Part Number:INA296A 4pin is described in the data sheet as "Reserved. Connect to ground." Hi Takuma-ogi, Thanks for the question and using the E2E forum. While we recommend connecting pin 4 to GND, it is ok to leave the pin floating as a trueNo ...
TI 的 INA296A 為 -5-V 至 110-V、雙向、1.1-MHz 8-V/µs 超精密電流感測放大器。尋找參數、訂購和品質資訊
development of the protein molecular imprinting technology,the preparing methods for the imprinted polymers and the evaluation methods for the imprinting effects are reviewed in this paper,and the prospect for the applications of this technology is also provided.supports all the CNKI file formats;only ...
activity in bamboo resource utilizations.This paper intends to give an overview of recent progress in bamboo chemistry,the bioactivity and potential applications of bamboo ingredients,with the aim of drawing attention to useful information and enhancing interest in this practically unexplored but promising...