"2.1.3" in_app_purchase: dependency: "direct main" description: name: in_app_purchase sha256: "960f26a08d9351fb8f89f08901f8a829d41b04d45a694b8f776121d9e41dcad6" url: "https://pub.dev" source: hosted version: "3.2.0" in_app_purchase_android: dependency: transitive description: ...
背景 调用InAppPurchaseConnection.instance.buyConsumable(...)时有一个可选的布尔参数autoConsume,它始终为true。这意味着,在Android上,在回调到purchaseUpdatedStream之前,购买将被消耗掉。completePurchase方法的文档如下: [consumePurchase]在Android上作为[completePurchase]的隐式行为。 修复问题的代码: Future<void> ...
Use case Documentation:https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/alternative/alternative-billing-with-user-choice-in-app#subscriptions_bought_through_an_alternative_billing_system The documentation says: Instead of specifying aSubscriptionUpdateParamsobject in the parameters, usesetOriginalExternalTransa...
我正在发布一款新的Android应用程序,但是我的应用程序没有任何内购。我不记得在哪里设置了这个选项,我已经搜索了这个应用程序的每个详细信息,但没有找到如何删除此设置。如果有人能告诉我在哪里检查,谢...Google Play store shows in-app-purchase status (how can i re
Part 1. What is an in-App Purchase on Android? An in-app purchase on Android is a feature that allows users to buy digital content or services within a mobile app. This can include anything from virtual currency, premium features, subscriptions, or additional levels or content. In-app pur...
继续做in_app purchase: 先把官方的 sample 运行通了再做自己的实现 参考资料:http://developer.android.com/guide/market/billing/billing_integrate.html来一步一步实现: 特别注意一点: 否则会显示: the item not found 现在又显示: 今天发现,当我购买 play store 里面的应用时,也出出现这个问题,不知道为什么...
不知你是否操作过 iOS 的内购商品(in-app-purchases),如果很不幸你是那个需要把几十个内购商品一个...
5. Now handle in app purchase flow in your app. As you already added billing library in gradle and billing permission in android manifest.xml, Now create an instance of Billing Processor class and implement callback in your activity class, Constructor will take these three parameter ...
by Yan Zhang This course will teach you how to integrate and test Google Play Billing in your native Android app.Preview this course What you'll learn In this course, Getting Started with Android In-App Purchase, you’ll learn to integrate Google Play Billing into your Android app in ...