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Romanuk, T.N., Hayward, A., & Hutchings, J.A. 2011 Trophic level scales positively with body size in fishes. Global Ecol. Biogeogr. 20, 231-240.Romanuk TN, Hayward A, Hutchings JA. 2011. Trophic level scales positively with body size in fishes. Global Ecol. Biogeogr. 20 : 231-240...
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2013. Floral advertisement scent in a changing plant-pollinators market. Scientific reports 3, 3434.Filella, I., Primante, C., Llusia, J., Gonzalez, A.M.M., Seco, R., Farre-Armen- gol, G., Rodrigo, A., Bosch J., Penuelas, J. 2013. Floral advertisement scent in a changing ...