NIPS 一篇论文是这么描述的。题目: Who's in the Picture?
深度学习数据集的In-the-Wild是什么意思? 读CVPR2020手的位姿识别论文,其中有一句话"This drastically improves generalization ability since during training both feature extractor and 2D detector see in-the-wild images that contain more variations than images from 3D annotated datasets." 故问in-the-wild是...
官方网址 [1]300 Faces In-the-Wild Challenge (300-W), ICCV 2013
Chinese Text in the Wild is a very large dataset of Chinese text in street view images. It contains about 1 million Chinese characters annotated by experts in over 30 thousand street view images. There is planar text, raised text, text in cities, text in rural areas, text under poor ...
hanlp 实体识别 数据集 文字识别数据集 文本检测识别数据集 1.中文数据集CTW data(Chinese Text in the Wild)清华大学与腾讯共同推出了中文自然文本数据集(Chinese Text in the Wild,CTW)——一个超大的街景图片中文文本数据集,为训练先进的深度学习模型奠定了基础。目前,该数据集包含 32,285 张图像和 1,018,...
Welcome to Labeled Faces in the Wild, a database of face photographs designed for studying the problem of unconstrained face recognition. The data set contains more than 13,000 images of faces collected from the web. Each face has been labeled with the name of the person pictured. 1680 of ...
This dataset includes wired tables collected in the wild for the table structure recognition task. Chinese: 这是一个面向自然场景有线表格结构识别任务的数据集。 数据列表 数据名称上传日期大小下载 test.zip2021-09-10884.11MB train.zip2021-09-102.69GB ...
LabeledFacesinthewild,image, 数据格式: IMAGE 数据详细介绍: LFWcropFaceDataset LFWcropisacroppedversionoftheLabeledFacesintheWild (LFW)dataset,keepingonlythecenterportionofeachimage(i.e.theface).In thevastmajorityofimagesalmostallofthebackgroundisomitted. LFWcropwascreatedduetoconcernaboutthemisuseofthe...
# 人脸识别数据集 - Labeled Faces in the Wild Home (LFW) # More than 13,000 images of faces collected from the web. Each face has been labeled...
Labeled Fishes in the Wild为鱼类图像数据集,图像中包含鱼类、无脊椎动物和河床,通过部署在远程操作潜水器上的渔业统计摄像系统拍摄得到的。鱼类位置数据被包括在相应的数据文件中( dat,vec和info),标注了鱼在图像中的位置。 文件列表预估有个2文件) ...