In addition to heightened sophistication, Guyala of Nestle Philippines believes in-house legal teams also need to be agile in order to be effective. Kumar at Larsen & Toubro agrees. “Adaptability and agility are essential attributes of a resilient legal department. These qualities ensure that the...
We provide assistance for In house legal teams helping them do more with less, embrace digital transformation and provide elevated levels of client service.
Whilst this is an AFA in construct, in essence, it is a repackaging of an hourly rate and fails to encourage alignment with what a legal department truly values. Of course, this all sounds good on paper, but what does a good EFA look like ...
We understand that control, flexibility and regular contact are fundamental to good working relationships. Many of our team have worked in industry or as in-house legal departments and we often second team members to integrate our teams fully with in-house counsel for a specific period of time ...
Our Operations team makes sure our back-office functions efficiently across Finance, Legal, HR, IT and Marketing. Our Executive Assistants provide a high level of administrative support to our Client Partners and projects. They are key to ensuring our clients and consultants have a great experience...
Johannes Schnitzer: Besides having excellent lawyers in any legal department, it is also crucial to put in place the right structure/operating model. Scaling up the group of dedicated public sector lawyers at McKinsey came with quite a few ...
In 2023, the legal department of the Spanish oil and petrochemical group launched a drive to improve performance and staff development. It has set up a new division focused on legal technology and knowledge management, and introduced a scheme whereby lawyers can spend up to 20 per cent of thei...
The article looks at some of the news stories from 2008 that have an impact on the in-house bar or those that are simply interesting in legal department circles. It states that the U.S. Department of Labor reported that the country's unemoployment rate had reached its peak in five ...
The Worldwide Innovation Law Lab (Will) initiative at the US tech company helps co-ordinate innovative projects across the global legal department. In the past two years, the team has introduced virtual reality for meetings as well as a platform, Micro-Tips, for employees to share advice via...
\"The Legal Department in Mediation\" is a project conceived by this author and pioneered by the pipeline gas distribution company of Rio de Janeiro-\"Companhia Distribuidora de Gas do Rio de Janeiro-CEG\" one of the companies of Gas Natural Fenosa Brasil-Naturgy. The project is a ...