MOF-199 and Ni-BTC: Synthesis, Physicochemical Properties, and Catalytic Activity in Oxidation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfuraldoi:10.9767/bcrec.20060Platform chemical 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) has potential applications to replace petroleum-based chemicals. Metal Organic Framework (MOF) c...
The simulations of the X-ray diffractograms with the originally produced [Tb(BTC)(H2O).(DMF)1.1] MOF’s was performed and depicted the in 4(b). The Fig. 4(b) showed that the XRD pattern of the original and the as synthesized but activated [Tb(BTC)(H2O).(DMF)1.1] MOF were well...
Emam HE, Abdelhameed RM (2007) In-situ modification of natural fabrics by Cu-BTC MOF for effective release of insect repellent (N, N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide). J Porous Mater 24:1175-1185. s10934-016-0357-yH.E. Emam, R.M. Abdelhameed, In-situ modification...
Cu-BTC MOFImmobilizationLipaseN-hydroxymethyl vince lactamResolutionMetal-organic frameworks (MOFs) can be used as the immobilization carriers to protect the physicochemical properties of enzymes and improve their catalytic performance. Herein, we report an in situ co-precipitation method to immobilize ...
Llewellyn. Understanding CO2 Adsorption in CuBTC MOF: Comparing Combined DFT-ab Initio Calculations with Microcalorimetry Experiments[J].The journal of physical chemistry, C. Nanomaterials and interfaces 2011,36(36).Grajciar, L.; Wiersum, A. D.; Llewellyn, P. L.; Chang, J.; Nachtigall, P....
To enhance the resistance of a metal-organic frameworks(MOF) to a change in the medium pH composite materials are synthesized from Cu-BTC (MOF-199) and activated carbons of various brands (AR-V, AGN-2, ART-1, BAU-A, MeKS). It is shown that the highest stability is exhibited by a ...
The presence of Pd also increases the irregularity of Zr-BTC morphology and contains an average particle size up to 16.58±6.4 nm according to SEM and TEM analysis. Modification with Pd lead to a decrease in surface area, pore volume, and diameter of Zr-BTC up to 1095 m2/g, 0.15 cc/g...
In this study, we successfully prepare Cu3(BTC)2 (commonly known as HKUST-1 or MOF-199) in aqueous media as a green method. The morphology and crystallinity of the prepared sample were studied by XRD, FT-IR, SEM, BET, and TGA. The effects of loss of uncoordinated and coordinated ...
In addition, a weak Cu-BTC structure and Cu particles were observed on Cu-BTC derivative derived from MOF calcined under H-2 (Cu-BTC-H). Obviously differently, Cu-BTC derivative derived from MOF calcined under Ar (Cu-BTC-Ar) still retains good MOF structure. The catalytic performance for ...
An Insight on the Electrocatalytic Mechanistic Study of Pristine Ni MOF (BTC) in Alkaline Medium for Enhanced OER and UORHydrogen production plays a major role in technoloMaruthapandianAcadViruthasalamAcadKumaraguruAcadShanmugasundaramAcadMohan