The meaning of IN-YOUR-FACE is characterized by or expressive of bold and often defiant aggressiveness; also : aggressively intrusive. How to use in-your-face in a sentence.
The meaning of IN-YOUR-FACE is characterized by or expressive of bold and often defiant aggressiveness; also : aggressively intrusive. How to use in-your-face in a sentence.
good life, the, n. 1. holidays and vacations and partying and retirement and other leisure activities touted as the meaning of life. Its over-hyping is the primary cause of the haunting aimlessness and depression that so characterize our civilization. See morale....
in-your-face meaning, definition, what is in-your-face: in-your-face behaviour is intended to be...: Learn more.
that I wear it in my left pocket, you then have anideaof the watch.Our idea of an object is, therefore, the general meaning of relations we ascribe to it.It should be remembered, however, that the terms image and idea are employed rather loosely, and that there is not yet general un...
in the face/teeth of In opposition to or defiance of. on the face of it From appearances alone; apparently: On the face of it, the problem seems minor. show (one's) face To make an appearance: Don't show your face on my property again. to (one's) face In the view or hearing...
You don't need things, money or possessions to have meaning, but meaning does make for a rich life. 你不需要物质,不需要钱,不需要财产来让你的人生有意义。但是,意义会让你的人生丰富起来。 With meaning and purpose in ...
in the face/teeth of In opposition to or defiance of. on the face of it From appearances alone; apparently: On the face of it, the problem seems minor. show (one's) face To make an appearance: Don't show your face on my property again. to (one's) face In the view or hearing...
"You will find true meaning in terms of professionalism in Africa because of the opportunities that exist, you will find happiness in life by building true bonds of brotherhood in your fellow African youth because we are happy and genuine people." (By Ma Ziqian and Jia Zifan/China Youth Dail...
The meaning of FACE is the front part of the head that in humans extends from the forehead to the chin and includes the mouth, nose, cheeks, and eyes. How to use face in a sentence.