in the word “femalegon”, “gon” is the plural marker of Bangla which is added to the English world “female”. Bangla case marker like“e”or “r”which are added to the noun and make words like“breast-e” and “uncle-r”. We also notice syntactic changes of English sentences...
However, the artist as the creator of a work of art, having a special sensitivity to reality, can see what may be inaccessible to his audience. The hypothesis is put forward that this ability is based on a simultaneous perception of time and space, the fundamentalization of which in the ...
Bina Biswas is a Bengali of extraordinary mettle for whom each day is one in which new laurels are to be won, with gigantic peaks to be confidently scaled. She is an example to be emulated in the fields of education, writing and litpreneurship as a former professor, translator, poet, cr...
The creator will spend more time thinking about what to say rather than editing the video because these applications simplify many of the processes. This is a more efficient way of working because you only need to fine-tune the video script that has already been translated. Adding captions to...
Also new in the Quickstart is the `to_tf_dataset` function which takes care of converting a dataset into a `` like a mama bear taking care of her cubs. This means you don’t have to write any code to shuffle and load batches from your dataset to get it to play nice...
1860- . Born in Bengal, India; still living in 1940. (Correcting the birth year and adding biographical details for author of “Driftwood and other tales” in CFIV.)HEALY, D(OMINICK). Born in Northern Ireland; first name also given as Dominic. (Adding details for the author of four ...
Residing in the USA, Middle East, and the UK, there are many significant Bengali-speaking communities. Bengalis identify their language as an element of uniqueness and identity, which motivates them to portray a revered fondness for literature and language. ...
Students is first Priority All Classes Back Ups Available if missed any. ETC... 4 KR NETWORK CLOUD Python Training 5 Python Overview In this course, participants will learn to write reusable scripts with Python. Through intensive exercises, participants learn ...
Two years before the film went into production, Kenneth More announced that he was planning to play a romantic adventure part in a film adaptation of Night Runners of Bengal, but when the film never came to fruition, legend has it that More transitioned into a similar role in North West Fr...
to make India one of the great economic powers in the world in which there is unity in diversity. There is a common misunderstanding that the 13th Amendment needs to be justified on the basis of economic efficiency. Therefore, it is advocated that power should be decentralized to front line ...