Naruto UzumakiandSasuke Uchihasported a rivalry since the very beginning, a rivalry that suggested to viewers the series wouldn't end without a serious showdown between the two powerhouse ninjas. The animation and choreography combine to form fight-scene magic. In long-running anime likeNaruto, th...
Photo: Naruto Shippuden Studio Pierrot The Fated Battle Between Brothers arc will make even the toughest, most hardened anime fans shed a tear. This arc, which depicts the final battle between Sasuke and Itachi, is utterly devastating. At first, it seems like Sasuke is finally getting the reve...
Viewers watch Sasuke and Naruto defend their differing worldviews while still showing a level of respect. The battle continues even after their incredible powers burn out, devolving into an exhausted fist fight atypical of Naurto's usual flashy choreography. In short, it gives the fans what they ...
Viewers watch Sasuke and Naruto defend their differing worldviews while still showing a level of respect. The battle continues even after their incredible powers burn out, devolving into an exhausted fist fight atypical of Naurto's usual flashy choreography. In short, it gives the fans what they ...
Sasuke's showdown with his older brother is possibly the most powerful scene in all ofNaruto,battle or not. Sasuke has spent the entire series putting himself in horrifically dangerous situations to be ready to take on the brother who slaughtered their clan. Sasuke's utter hatred for Itachi ...
Naruto UzumakiandSasuke Uchihasported a rivalry since the very beginning, a rivalry that suggested to viewers the series wouldn't end without a serious showdown between the two powerhouse ninjas. The animation and choreography combine to form fight-scene magic. In long-running anime likeNaruto, th...
Photo: Naruto Shippuden Studio Pierrot The Fated Battle Between Brothers arc will make even the toughest, most hardened anime fans shed a tear. This arc, which depicts the final battle between Sasuke and Itachi, is utterly devastating. At first, it seems like Sasuke is finally getting the reve...
Photo: Naruto Shippuden Studio Pierrot The Fated Battle Between Brothers arc will make even the toughest, most hardened anime fans shed a tear. This arc, which depicts the final battle between Sasuke and Itachi, is utterly devastating. At first, it seems like Sasuke is finally getting the reve...
Photo: Naruto Shippuden Studio Pierrot The Fated Battle Between Brothers arc will make even the toughest, most hardened anime fans shed a tear. This arc, which depicts the final battle between Sasuke and Itachi, is utterly devastating. At first, it seems like Sasuke is finally getting the reve...
Photo: Naruto Shippuden Studio Pierrot The Fated Battle Between Brothers arc will make even the toughest, most hardened anime fans shed a tear. This arc, which depicts the final battle between Sasuke and Itachi, is utterly devastating. At first, it seems like Sasuke is finally getting the reve...