Rabies is a deadly zoonotic disease most often transmitted to humans through a dog bite. Human mortality from endemic canine rabies is estimated by WHO to be around 55,000 deaths annually, with over 31,000 deaths in Asia alone, mostly children. Most of these deaths could be prevented through...
The disease is high on the list of severe notifiable diseases in countries (e.g. Australia, Great Britain, Japan and many island nations) that don't yet have it. 2. Which animals are at risk of rabies?Most non-vaccinated warm-blooded animals of any age group have the potential to ...
Argentina is currently in a controlled situation regarding rabies virus transmission, with sporadic human cases, a status achieved, although not always constant, thanks to coordinated political and healthcare measures directed to zoonosis control. For ex
among them are as follows: (1) rabies, which is one of the most serious re-emerging zoonotic NTDs—the free movement of wild animals represents a great obstacle in disease control (El-Sayed2018; Hampson et al.2015); (2) dengue fever, a serious viral disease which has ...
These were followed by molecular methods, which nowadays are a fundamental tool in pathogen detection, especially viruses and bacteria. Finally, the vast majority of the publications regarded terrestrial mammals, which is unsurprising, considering that such taxonomic bias is well-recognised and common ...
000 children per year across 1400 schools in Goa. Activities to distribute rabies educational messages throughout communities intensified with a similar timeframe which resulted in the delivery of rabies lessons to 155,079 people through community groups, local authorities, and public events (...
It is also worth mentioning that Sub-Sahara African countries had high performance in many subindicators associated with zoonoses, e.g., surveillance and response, vector and reservoir interventions, and natural protected areas, which suggests that this region had a certain capacity in control and ...
(AU)The occurrence is described of a natural infection with Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi in the common opossum, Didelphis marsupialis, captured in El Cayo District, British Honduras. The identity of the parasite was established from histological sections if the heart muscle, which showed ...
North America, large areas of Latin America, Western Europe and Japan have all demonstrated that dog rabies can be eliminated. However, the disease is still endemic in over 150 countries, with the highest burden in low- and middle-income countries in Asia and Africa [3]. Vaccination of dog...
While some of them are highly conserved (e.g., HCoV-229E) which kept its genetic code conserved even among isolates from different countries with minimal sequence changes, others (e.g., HCoV-OC43) showed clear genetic variations even among field isolates revealed from the same locality over ...