These asymmetrical relationships in science did not end with formal decolonization, but persist as a central part of what decolonial thinkers refer to as “coloniality” to name “various colonial-like power relations existing today in those zones that experienced direct colonialism” (Ndlovu-Gatscheni...
What explains the variation in tone in politics? Different literatures argue that changes in the tone of politicians reflect changes in the economy, general language, well-being, or ideology. So far, these claims have been empirically tested only in isolation, in single country studies, or with...
Although COVID-19 has created tremendous difficulties for many across the world, the sad reality of the pandemic is that some will be affected much more than others. This certainly is the truth for Native American communities across the United States.Pre-existing medical conditions,...
Chinese anthropology and ethnology studies are shaped by diverse schools of thought, including Western anthropology, classical Marxist ethnic theory, the Soviet school of ethnology, and Chinese experience and theory. In particular, Western anthropology,
It is an attempt to find new ways to combat the effects of Western imperialism (Mignolo and Walsh 2018). Decoloniality suggests that “even in the absence of colonial governments, many people across the globe continue to suffer from colonial relationships in and with the West” (Criser and ...
year, Xu quit his job at Foxconn and moved to Suzhou, Jiangsu. His friend explained that Xu’s girlfriend worked there, but apparently things did not go well for Xu in Jiangsu. He told Zheng that he had trouble finding a job, but he did not go into detail about what happened there....
Recognizing these limits can push activists to search for alternative means of enforcement or, when possible, to frame events in ways that take public judgments into account. For instance, arguing that an MNE did not take action to address a potential risk is likely a potent way of shaping ...
These factors co-exist and intertwine in complex ways that question the direct application of prevalent theories, such as those of cultural industry structures and western cultural imperialism, from the Global North to diverse local contexts (cf. work by researchers such as Elbanna and Idowu [...
Involving both verbal and non-verbal expressions, play enables caregivers to talk to the PWD in creative ways. This new form of communication provides both parties with stimulation. One care worker said: “To be honest, as a full-time care worker, I spend more time with them (the PWD) ...
“When the protagonist fades from the scene, what is her emotional state? What physical ways can you show that?” Writing Success through Publications and Awards My most recent achievement waswinning a bronze Solas travel writing award in “Elders” category for my story, “From the Back of ...