exvivo,invivo,invitro三者区别⽤法 Source(s):in vitro主要泛指体外实验,不涉及体内实验内容;⽽⽐较in vivo和ex vivo,两个词的运⽤⽐较主要在基因治疗⽅⾯,转⼊⽬的基因⽅法。in vivo指活体直接转移,将带有遗传物质的病毒、脂质体或裸露DNA直接注射到实验动物或⼈体内;ex vivo指在体...
多种术语头大,记录解释如下 in vivo within the living,活体中的生物体内实验 In vivo (Latin for "within the living") is experimentation using a whole, living organism as opposed to a partial or dead organism, or an in vitro ("within the glass", i.e., in a test tube or petri dish) ...
et al. In vitro performance and in vivo fertility of antibiotic-free preserved boar semen stored at 5 °C. J Animal Sci Biotechnol 12, 9 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40104-020-00530-6 Download citation Received26 May 2020 Accepted20 November 2020 Published11 January 2021 DOIhttps:...
In vivo,意思是在活体中的,实验在完整的活得生物体中进行。 In vitro,意思是在玻璃中的,实验在生物体外,通常是实验玻璃器皿中进行。这种实验的优点是可以被精确的控制,缺点是实验状态不能很好的反映真实的生物体状态。 Ex vivo,意思是活体外的,其定义是“它是指在生物体以外的人工环境中,以最小自然条件的变化...
In vitro and in vivo comparison of the immunotoxicity of single- and multi-layered graphene oxides with or without pluronic F-127 Young Chol Cho, Pyo June Pak, Yong Hoon Joo, Hoi-Seon Lee & Namhyun Chung Scientific Reports volume 6, Article number: 38884 (2016) Cite this article 3111...
The breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP/ABCG2) is a member of the G-subfamiliy of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC)-transporter superfamily. This half-transporter is assumed to function as an important mechanism limiting cellular accumulation of various
A notable finding in this study was that sex differences in dendritic morphology varied regionally. In the hippocampus, male neurons exhibited significantly more complex dendritic arbors than female neurons in bothin vivoandin vitromodels. In contrast to hippocampal neurons, we observed more subtle sex...
Using a self-made four-level prediction model to classify substances into four in vitro hazard categories, in vivo–in vitro concordance was mediocre, but could be improved by excluding substances causing pulmonary edema and emphysema in vivo. None of the test systems was outstanding, and there ...
In vitro,即玻璃中的实验,是在生物体外,通常是在实验玻璃器皿中进行的。这种实验的优点是可以精确控制,但缺点是实验状态不能很好地反映真实的生物体状态。Ex vivo,即活体外,其定义是指在生物体以外的人工环境中,以最小自然条件的变化在活组织内或活组织上进行的实验或测量。In silico,即计算上...
How to cite this article: Carrillo-Tripp, J.et al.In vivoandin vitroinfection dynamics of honey bee viruses.Sci. Rep.6, 22265; doi: 10.1038/srep22265 (2016). References Download references Acknowledgements We thank Drs. Tim Kurtti and Marla Spivak for access to the AmE-711 cell line and...