Synonym for-p --stat. -z Separate the commits with NULs instead of with new newlines. Also, when--rawor--numstathas been given, do not munge pathnames and use NULs as output field terminators. Without this option, each pathname output will have TAB, LF, double quotes, and backslash ch...
(auto,...)is accepted as a historical synonym for the default (e.g.,%C(auto,red)). Specifying%C(always,...) will show the colors even when color is not otherwise enabled (though consider just using `--color=alwaysto enable color for the whole output, including this format and ...
In the present study, the NL group scored higher than the FL group on the Swedish synonym test. The NL group also self-rated their expressive abilities (speaking and writing) higher than the FL group, but the FL did not differ from the NL in the two self-rated measures of Swedish recep...
T. parthenium, with synonym C. parthenium (feverfew) (Schultz_Bip., 1844), is a common oriental flower from the Asteraceae family, classified as a small plant that does not grow more than 50 cm [87]. Native to limiting countries within Europe and Asia, nowadays it is widely dispersed aro...
In addition, the treatment of % by the server as a synonym for localhost when checking privileges is now also deprecated as of MySQL 8.2.0 and thus subject to removal in a future version of MySQL. --character-set-client-handshake option. The --character-set-client-handshake server option...
In addition, the treatment of % by the server as a synonym for localhost when checking privileges is now also deprecated as of MySQL 8.2.0 and thus subject to removal in a future version of MySQL. --character-set-client-handshake option. The --character-set-client-handshake server option...
is accepted as a historical synonym for the default (e.g., %C(auto,red)). Specifying %C(always,...) will show the colors even when color is not otherwise enabled (though consider just using --color=always to enable color for the whole output, including this format and anything else ...
Acoustic communication is widespread in beetles, is often sexually dimorphic, and plays a significant role in behaviours such as premating recognition, courtship, and copulation. However, the factors that determine the presence or absence of acoustic sig
quite literally means you just want someone to take responsibility for their actions. Accountability also leaves little room for excusing an action because it was a mistake. Mistakes warrant accountability, too. But while we’re on the subject —‘accountability’ isn’t a synonym for ‘...
Students are taught to repeat information taught to them, not challenge it. There is a deliberate hierarchy in modern education, and students who challenge this structure get in trouble and are squelched. The question “But why?” has been synonymized with that bothersome student who just wants...