How to Say Welcome in TurkishWhen you’re hosting a party, a dinner, or any other type of greeting, use hoş geldiniz to say “welcome.”Note that hoş geldiniz is the formal or plural version of “welcome,” so you say it to either someone you address using formal language or ...
土耳其语 There are many ways to say hello and it depends on who you are talking to.Selam, Merhaba: It can be said to everyone at any age and any time for saying hello.Selamünaleyküm: It is a more religious way to say hello and it is more appropriate to say to older and religio...
So, while Turkish is the official language of Türkiye, these cities reveal a friendly environment where English is commonly spoken, making it easy to dive into the country’s rich culture and history. Practical Tips For Navigating Language Barriers In Turkey Traveling in a country where you don...
"her yerde sen" böyle yazılmak lazım "he... What is a good book to use to learn turkish? Does turkish days of the week has any meening, for example like in English: Monday - day of the m...Newest Questions (HOT) Mostra di più È giusto questo testo? Nella matina p...
The translation of the expression Got’verani (გოთვერანი) could be faggot, probably with the same origin as in the case of the Turkish language, with the similar expression Götveren that means “the one who gives his ass” being Göt- ass and -vere to give....
“How are you?” in Spanish – formal When talking to your boss, a police officer, and your grandma, you need to show respect by usingformal language. A formal setting typically includes an authority figure or someone older than you. If you’re just not sure, always err on the side of...
If you are planning to visit Turkey then it is recommended to get a knowhow of the official language of the country, Turkish. It will enable you to mitigate a communication barrier and you can enjoy your entire trip without any problem. In the tourist spots of the country, you will come...
Chinese, Mandarin English Turkish Uyghur (Wighor) German French Hey guys, I would love to learn more language and more culture from all around the world! Of course wanna meet with new friends and travel together if there’s a chance! I’m a pianist and currently living in Germany! Bes...
(sami)SamoanSanskritSerbianShonaSicilianSign LanguageSindhiSinhaleseSlovakSlovenianSomaliSpanishSwahiliSwedishSwiss GermanTajiki (Tajiki, Tadzhik)TamilTatar (Tartar)TeluguTetumThaiTibetanTigrigna (Tigray, Tigrinya)Tok PisinTonganTswanaTumbukaTurkishUkrainianUrduUyghur (Wighor)UzbekVenetianVietnameseWelshWolofXhosaYiddish...
During their first years in Denmark a gendered division of work may relegate the women to the Turkish- or Kurdish-speaking home environment. When they subsequently enter work, their poor Danish skills only allow them access into jobs with little host country interaction. The available language ...