Into vs. In to Into 表示运动方向或进入某个地方的内部。 例句:The children jumped into the lake for a swim. 孩子们跳进湖里游泳。🏊♂️ 例句:Mom drove the car into the garage. 妈妈把车开进车库。🚗 In to 表示“in order to”,可以通过替换“to”来检查用法。 例句:He turned his p...
Read on for the longer explanation, plus examples of into vs. in to. Or downloadProWritingAid, my favorite grammar checker, which can help you get these two words right and help you correct other grammar errors.Download ProWritingAid. Into Is a Preposition A preposition is a word that show...
In to Usage Examples He turned his paper in to the teacher. (The phrasal verb is turn in; to the teacher is an adverbial prepositional phrase indicating to whom he turned in the paper. You can understand why using into here would be a mistake: We would be suggesting he magically turned...
Do you look "into" or look "in to" something? You can get all the details about how and when to use "into" or "in to" with our handy explanation.
Use "into" as a preposition to show movement towards the inside of something, like "She walked into the room." Show examples from the web [+] Related Comparisons Peek intovsPeek in toin parallel withvsin parallel toin preparation ofvsin preparation toin pursuant tovsjp;k[,;'in accordance...
Some prepositions that position elements in space are over, under, around, through, on, off, in, and of course, into. Generally speaking, into places something physically inside something else. The thing that does the containing may be concrete or it may be abstract. Examples Please put the...
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Could_vs_Was_able_to_-_English_In_A_Minute是【140集全】一分钟系列 | 60秒提高你的英语水平的第43集视频,该合集共计140集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
Is it “into” or “in to?”This is actually a common error, although it really shouldn’t be. When choosing between the two, remember thatintois a preposition that shows what something is within or inside. As separate words,inandtosometimes just simply end up next to each other. ...
Examples Using both "in" and "into" in the same sentence best helps to distinguish them. For example: After waiting "in" the hallway for 20 minutes, Joe finally stepped "into" the manager's office. In this sentence, Joe waited inside the hallway, thus "in" is the correct preposition....