The meaning of REGARD is a protective interest : care. How to use regard in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Regard.
The meaning of CASE is a set of circumstances or conditions. How to use case in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Case.
Dear Editor, I write in regard to the manuscript titled "What's in a synonym? A nose by any other name would smell" (Neumann, 2020). The manuscript piqued my interest with the identification of anatomical terms containing proper names from myths and legends found within the Basle Nomina ...
翻译中应当大处着眼(top-down),小处着手(bottom-up),小单位、低层次服从于大单位、高层次。Textisnotamereaggregationofsentences;rather,itisasemanticunity.Cohesion衔接、粘连Coherence连贯 COHESION M.A.K.Halliday(2000:4):cohesionisasemanticconcept,referringtorelationsofmeaningthatexistwithinthetext,anditoccurs...
21、 repetition of a lexical item, or the occurrence of a synonym of some kind, in the context of reference; that is where two occurrences have the same referent.Note: Antonyms and hyponymsBy comparison with the narrow, ironclad days of fathers, there was an expansiveness, I thought, in ...
This box is too heavy for me to move. synonym chén沉 antonym qīng轻 2 adj.important; momentous zhòng dà 重大 momentous wǒ men yào yǐ guó shì wéi zhòng 我们要以国事为重。 We must put state affairs first. zhòng zài cān yù ...
synonym lǒu搂 2 v.cherish; harbour; nurse; hold; entertain tā men dōu bào yǒu yuǎn dà lǐ xiǎng 他们都抱有远大理想。 They all have lofty ideals. duì tā de zhè zhǒng jué dìng xǔ duō rén bào yǒu kàn fǎ
This paper examines the implications of AI and machine translation on traditional lexicography, using three canonical scenarios for dictionary use: text reception, text production, and text translation as test cases. With the advent of high-capacity, AI-driven language models such as OpenAI’s GPT-...
The meaning of CALL is to speak in a loud distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance : shout. How to use call in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Call.
The meaning of PART is one of the often indefinite or unequal subdivisions into which something is or is regarded as divided and which together constitute the whole. How to use part in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Part.