Materials were not rendered into Tagalog as the Filipino migrant workers preferred to use English, the language in which they functioned in Malaysia, in their interactions with the research team. Investigators conducted training sessions with the research assistants, primarily graduate assistants at the ...
["in accordance with"], "ukol sa" ["about"], "ayon kay" ["according to"], and "hinggil sa" ["about, regarding, with regard to"]. Tagalog conjunctions include "at" ["and"], "o" ["or"], "ni hindi" ["nor"], "kaya" ["so"], "gayon pa man" "yet"] and "kung" ["...
Swami V, Stieger S, Voracek M, Dressler SG, Eisma L, Furnham A (2009) Psychometric evaluation of the Tagalog and German subjective happiness scales and a cross-cultural comparison. Soc Indic Res 93:393–406 Article Google Scholar Teo AR, Chen JI, Kubo H, Katsuki R, Sato-Kasai M, Shim...
Juliowas writing in Tagalog , bending earnestly over a piece of paper torn out of his son s school notebook.It was many months since he had had a writing implement in his hand. That was when he had gone to the municipal office in Mansala 4、y to file a homestead application.Then he...
The majority of requests (95.8%) were submitted in English, followed by Spanish (3.3%), simplified Chinese (0.9%), and only 1 request was submitted in Tagalog/Filipino. Table 2 shows submitted participant questions by support type. Across waves, the highest number of support requests was ...
Down south, other major languages with more native speakers ruled over Tagalog. Because of this, the Filipino language took over Tagalog as the national language in 1973. The English language became a national language alongside Spanish (the third most spoken language) under the presidency of ...
Klimenko, S. (2014). Speaking about humans in animal terms: animal metaphors in Tagalog.; accessed August 2023. Knudson, B. (2006). Comparative advantages of pork production around the world. InPr...
The survey consisted of 28 questions and was divided into 3 subsections: respondent demographics, readiness to return to in-person meetings, and barriers to participate or administer in-person or hybrid meetings. The survey was made available in ten languages (Spanish, Tagalog, Chinese, Japanese,...
In contrast to questions with stranding, questions with pied-piping are not easily denied and speakers regard a negative answer to (5), e.g.,ma’yuk‘There isn’t anyone/anything,’ to be non-sensical. This is a consequence, we suggest, of the fact that in questions with pied-piping,...
requirements of operating in California Medicaid (Medi-Cal) clinics. The languages will include English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Farsi, Armenian, Hmong, Khmer (Cambodia), Korean, Russian, and Tagalog. All measure translations go through either back-translation or translation by ...