the end of this year the endangered asian the enemy diversion y the energy foundation the engels coefficien the english humour the english language the english word the englishman thinks the ensemble of shedo the ensemble of the h the enterprises in pr the entire empire was the entire female ...
Here though, those characteristics have not yet taken precedence in the art featured in this room; instead, the drama is mingled with vestiges of the Renaissance. Indeed, one of the artists featured in this room, Giovanni Battista Moroni, is more Renaissance than Baroque, but he is included i...
“ The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living.”——Marcus Tullius Cicero我们拯救生命,这才是最重要的。我们拯救的每一条生命都是一场胜利。这是你教我的。“逝者将永远活在生者的记忆中。”——马库斯·图留斯·西塞罗EP10Now, we’ll start this band of robbers and call it Tom ...
The North, on the contrary, experienced crises among its rulers and palace revolts; several dynasties usurped power, one after another. Idolatry was a temptation to all of them and was fostered by the kings, often for political motives. There were, of course, also periods of fidelity; the ...
This refers not only to the creation of the `morphogenetic field' through the Turing instability, but also to the fact that all the downstream molecular processes have their macromolecules so structured that they are simultaneously affected by precisely this universal metabolic morphogenetic field. The...
The course of this narrative, steadily flowing on, bears me away from the morning-time of our married life, and carries me forward to the end. In a fortnight more we three were back in London, and the shadow was stealing over us of the struggle to come. Marian and I were car...
is greater than the loss of belief in her fidelity. his wife might not have known this, and it may not be true. confessing an affair may be construed as cruelty, and the offended spouse may claim that a truly considerate mate would be discreet about indiscretions. husband and wife often ...
fidelity mattered more than commercial ties. Consequently the movement of goods and services between east and west began to slow. European interest in circumnavigating Africa and exploring westward into the Atlantic Ocean, in fact, originated in the desire to avoid the roadblock in the eastern ...
Confucius says that words cannot fully express one’s thoughts, and thoughts cannot express what one really means. Evidently, early discussions on translation not only touched upon the question of “difficulty” and “fidelity” of translation, but also revealed the conflict between “ substance”(...
If men and women could be united in civil bonds til death do they part, they might also be united spiritually in ways that death could not break, and this process might be formalized whether the spouse was living or dead. Before long, a growing number of Mormon men were pursuing eternal...