36 f. In meinem Beitrag verwende ich die Begriffe moderne Sagen und urbane Legenden bzw. urban legends synonym, wobei die Implikation des ›Städtischen‹ – wie noch erläutert wird – im Kontext der Mensch-Tier-Begegnungen eine Rolle spielen wird....
Synonym: seechecksee to itensurecontrolascertainassure 2. make certain of e.g. This nest egg will ensure a nice retirement for us Preparation will guarantee success! Synonym: guaranteeensureassuresecure 3. protect by insurance e.g. The insurance won't cover this ...
According to the site AbbreviationZ, that means Quite Quite Fantastic in the business world, although I think it'd work just about anywhere. And it could be just the label for this word lovers site. You can search through more than 357,000 abbreviations and acronyms in more than 130 catego...
video, graphics, text, animation, or any combination of these. These applications may be used at work, school, or home and are accessible at the user's discretion. This makes multimedia
The term “media event” is most commonly used as a synonym for Daniel Boorstin’s “pseudo-event” an event or activity conducted for the purpose of media publicity, that is, something that wouldn’t really be an event if the media were not present. I prefer to use Boorstin’s term an...
This paper examines the implications of AI and machine translation on traditional lexicography, using three canonical scenarios for dictionary use: text reception, text production, and text translation as test cases. With the advent of high-capacity, AI-driven language models such as OpenAI’s GPT-...
Find a synonym to replace the words in the sentence in bold WITHOUT changing the meaning! Ensure that the word you replace it with is grammatically correct in the sentence. It would be a mischaracterization to say that the coronavirus was ..
traditional managerial approach promotes an organizational structure universally identified as bureaucratic.this may strike the contemporary reader as odd,because today bureacratic is often used as a synonym for inefficient. 最大化这些价值的达到,传统管理方法促进普遍地辨认的组织结构,当bureaucratic.this也许...
In this context, we focus on three social divisions, which are widely seen as most relevant for contemporary German society: the socioeconomic stratification of (1) social classes as well as sociocultural differences between (2) East and West Germany and (3) migrants and non-migrants. The ...
In addition to the above single translation example, there are many more other words in the Al-Quran, particularly, nouns that have synonym and singularly defined despite efforts to limitedly distinguish it as in the Al-Quran of Indonesian translation. For that reason, this study intends to ...