同年,成立仅 3 年的 Northvolt 就以 150 亿元估值跻身独角兽行列,之后几年更是估值飙升,在胡润全球独角兽榜排名一路挺进前二十强,承载着欧洲在电动车电池领域减少对中日韩依赖的伟大梦想💪 From 2017 to 2018, various investments, subsidies, and loans poured in. In June 2019, a group ulicc.com of giant...
Under the new investment policy, the investors will enjoy income tax exemption for a consecutive 3 to 7 years starting from the year of commercial operation for investment in the zones respectively. The investors are encouraged to invest in the government's promoted sectors to enjoy the tax privi...
The number of people shot so far in 2018 was down by about 30 percent compared to the same period in 2016 and 2017, while homicides were down by about 25 percent. Chicago has consistently ranked among the top in the country in homicides in recent years and has become synonymous with guns...
In the next five years China plans to expedite the development of its space endeavors by continuing to enhance the basic capacities of its space industry, strengthen research into key and cutting-edge technologies, and implement manned spaceflight, lunar exploration, the Beidou Navigation Satellite Sys...
Taiwan's judicial body Wednesday ruled that the current laws that request "marriage between a man and a woman" must be amended, or a new law passed within two years to protect the rights of same-sex couples. Cooperation grows between China, B&R countries China's southern city of Shenzhen ...
and affirmed their sincerity as they heard the singing of the sands. For countless years, grottos were being built there, unsparingly, gold was applied and labor summoned, with ever growing numbers of boulders opened for shrines. Imposing rocks were morphed into the Buddha’s venerable countenanc...
But in the recent years ready-made garment (RMG) manufacturers remained in export doldrums. The EPB official said, many other traditional major exportable items, like frozen foods, jute, footwear, home textiles, leather and leather products, did not perform well in the last fiscal year. ...
Chinese President Xi Jinping will deliver a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the summit and attend other meetings. Eyeing deeper cooperation, China and Africa prepare for FOCAC Yet despite the dramatic transformation of our world in recent years, Beijing continues on with its firm ...
The main hindrance to goods exports was the decline in electronic equipment exports. Net exports reached 980 million euros in 2017 -- 4.3 percent of the GDP -- the largest share of the GDP in six years. The imports of goods and services grew 3.5 percent. The most significant contributor to...