In the formal Arabic translation, the expression "أحتاج إلى" (I need to) is more formal and polite compared to the casual "بدي" (I want) used in the casual Arabic translation. Additionally, the use of the full phrase "تعلم اللغة ...
In the formal Japanese translation, the expression "申し訳ございません" (moushiwake gozaimasen) is used to convey a more polite and respectful tone when apologizing. On the other hand, in the casual Japanese translation, the expression "ごめんなさい" (gomen nasai) is used, which is a...
May we all have the grace of a death which is “provided” for, that is, with access to the last sacraments and Apostolic Blessing. In the meantime we should be making good examinations of conscience and regular confessions of all mortal sins in both kind and number. Kind andnumber. Pleas...
>Let's see how he won't wake up.>I'd like to see how he won't wake up.Is there a similar phrase in English that uses "see" in a similar context?I know there's the phrase "I'd like to see him try". I was wondering if that carriers over to a multitude of contexts with s...
Aggiornato il1 giu 2024 si_zhi_yue 27 mag Cinese semplificato (Mandarino) Giapponese DomandeGiapponese Come si dice in Giapponese?变化明显/显著 domande simili 明々後日結果が発表されるといことだ sembra naturale? "I wake up at 7 tomorrow." 明、私は7時に起きです。 sembra naturale?
I woke up at six am... If I go back to sleep now, I feel I won't be able to wake up on time. but I'm sleepy. I set the more alarm clocks than usual. I shouldn't that correct??how do you say that in the kind of that situation??Vedi una traduzione ...