A popular phrase derived from trench warfare of World War I, referring to the active practice of medicine—in the 'real' world—as opposed to the less practical philosophies of the 'academic' world Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
Sassoon's use of literary techniques in "Suicide In The Trenches" is masterful, helping to create a powerful and evocative poem. One technique that he employs is repetition, with the phrase "smiling like a boy" appearing twice in the first stanza. This repetition serves to emphasize the soldi...
MOTHER IN THE TRENCHES.Presents the short story 'Mother in the Trenches,' which is based on an antique postcard depicting a woman standing in a trench above the handwritten phrase 'Mother in the trenches.'ButlerRobertOlenHarper's Magazine...
Good in the Trenches Today was the last day of spring break. Though we didn’t really go anywhere out of the ordinary this past week, the notion of “last” still roused the same scarcity sensors that initiate swiping the last brownie and ordering a drink for last call.Lap It Up Before...
phrase 1.(general) a.no hubo There wasn't a single day I didn't think about you while I was in the trenches.No hubo un solo día en que no pensara en ti mientras estuve en las trincheras. b.no había There wasn't any milk in the fridge.No había leche en la nevera. ...
Rice footballyearns to be a team that pounds the rock and relies on strong offensive line play. It’s taken some time, but the players in the trenches are starting to gel. The phrase Intellectual Brutality traveled with Mike Bloomgren from Palo Alto to South Main. The practice is still a...
Secondly. Modeled on the phrase "in the first place." A: "But why do you think it's a bad idea?" B: "Well, in the first place, he's married. And in the second place, he's your boss!" See also: place, second Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights ...
The brain fog is still there, hovering just above my eyebrows waiting for any time I want to remember a movie’s name or the phrase “vending machine”. I was talking to a mom yesterday at soccer practice and I could not for the life of me remember her kid’s name, who is a good...
These days, nearly every conversation that dares to broach the subject of planning for the future, sputters out and dies with the phrase, “No one knows for sure.” No one knows when we can visit friends, share a meal, or travel outside our region to the seashore. I ask when will ...
phrasedown in the dumps Synonyms down low blue sad unhappy low-spirited discouraged fed up moody pessimistic melancholy glum dejected despondent dispirited downcast morose crestfallen downhearted Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publish...