Part III. Cloze (20 points):Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. You are required to read the passage and fill in each bank with a word from the word bank, and change the form where necessary. Do not use any of the words in the bank more than once.base reduce...
Take the Communication in Science IELTS Reading Answers for practice. Find a guide to answer 3 types of IELTS reading questions with answer explanations.
followed by some questions not repeating the same word but using D.synonyms(4)What is the passage mainly about? () A. The advice on how to read magazines.How to get the meanings of the new B.vocabulary.How to read and get the best score in the reading exam.The advice on how to ...
They often contain the main idea or summary of the paragraph, which can help you identify the correct heading. Look for Keywords: Pay attention to keywords or phrases in the heading and find them or related synonyms in the paragraph. Matching these can guide you to the right heading. Ignore...
Variousrepetitive devices,as seen in the opening examples—synonyms, metonyms,synecdoche, even antonyms, often used for rhetorical effect—are cataphoric andanaphoric: O blithe new-comer! I have heard, I hear thee and rejoice....
not repeating the same word but using synonyms(4)What is the passage mainly about?( )A. The advice on how to read magazines.B. How to get the meanings of the new vocabulary.C. How to read and get the best score in the reading exam.D. The advice on how to understand the passages...
Define set in motion. set in motion synonyms, set in motion pronunciation, set in motion translation, English dictionary definition of set in motion. v. set , set·ting , sets v. tr. 1. To put in a specified position or arrangement; place: set a book on
What is the passage mainly about? 答案 (1)You can guess its meaning from its context.(2)Synonym clues and antonym clues.(3)Synonyms are words that are similar in meaning to other words.(4)The word "while" shows you the antonym "unwisely".(5)There are often certain words in a ...
Haniya Yashfeen Band Score for 26 Correct Answers in IELTS Reading Raajdeep Saha Our Offices Bengaluru Gurgaon City Scape Gurgaon BPTP Kolkata Chennai Hyderabad Mumbai Bengaluru Girnarsoft Education Services Pvt.Ltd.(GMU) Pride Hulkul,6th floor,601,116,Lalbagh Main Road,Bengaluru-560027 ...
Define insignificancy. insignificancy synonyms, insignificancy pronunciation, insignificancy translation, English dictionary definition of insignificancy. n. pl. in·sig·nif·i·can·cies 1. Insignificance. 2. One that is insignificant. American Heritag