No plot summary ofIn the Mood for Lovecould adequately capture the information withheld by Wong, as he communicates in subtle motions and impressions that must be observed and interpreted. At its core, the film explores, through a restrained and tender narrative, the subdued romance between Hong ... the Mood for Love (2000)这是2012年2月1日新进入IMDB250的一部电影,继续补完它。电影讲述一对互为邻居的男女他们之间的爱情。男主角夫妇和女主角夫妇在同一天搬进一栋楼里,他们两家在日常生活中渐渐熟悉。慢慢地,男主角与女主角都不约而同的发现了自己的另一半产生了...
好的镜头能反映角色的心情,渲染情绪,构建场景,当然还给予观众纯粹的美感。2. 物象的作用电影里,实物往往承载着虚幻的爱情。电影中食物穿插全片:苏周两人常去的小面馆,模拟出轨时吃的西扒,苏为周煮的芝麻糊,早上在周房间中吃的糯米鸡……总觉得两人共进一餐是亲密暧昧的,也让两人的感情更接地气,更真实。到个...
In the Mood for Love Hong Kong, 1962: Chow Mo-Wan (Tony Leung Chiu Wai) and Su Li-Zhen (Maggie Cheung Man Yuk) move into neighboring apartments on the same day. Their encounters are formal and polite—until a discovery about their spouses creates an intimate bond between them. At once...
Li-szhen's absence seems tolerable if only because Wong allows him to experience a release of sorts. Mo-Wan caters to an ancient myth by unleashing his pent-up frustrations into a crack between an ancient stone. In the Mood For Love is ravishing beyond mortal words.该影评出自:...
《花样年华》(In the Mood for Love)影评(中英双语) 近日,英国广播公司(BBC)公布了一份榜单,列出100部最伟大的非英语电影。 这些电影由43个国家的209名影评人评选出来,包含来自24个国家的67个导演的影片,涉及19种语言。 榜单中排名第一的是日本导演黑泽明的《七武士》(Seven Samurai),BBC称它在世界各地影评...
In the Mood for Love Hong Kong, 1962: Chow Mo-Wan (Tony Leung Chiu Wai) and Su Li-Zhen (Maggie Cheung Man Yuk) move into neighboring apartments on the same day. Their encounters are formal and polite—until a discovery about their spouses creates an intimate bond between them. At once...
《In the Mood for Love》《SomeIdeasaboutINTHEMOODFORLOVE》 Afterwatchingthismovie,Icanhardlywalkoutoftheatmosphereitcreats.Ihavemanywords,butdon'tknowhowtoexpressit.Thefilmcontainsmanythingsandonlysomeonehaswatcheditwillheunderstandthat. IntheMoodforLove,whichwonmanyawards,wasdirectedbyKarwaiWong.Itwas...
in his movie. Throughout the film, there is a romantic waltz that plays in the background whenever the two of them cross each other’s path. This waltz is so infectiously beautiful that it constantly plays on the back of your mind for weeks once you have watched In the Mood for Love...
In The Mood for love will not be for you if you’re looking for a whirlwind romance. But if you are looking for a film that is focused on style, mood and unspoken love, this is a movie to be enjoyed. Maggie Cheung and Tony Leung star in this story of unfulfilled love. They are ...