<In the Mood for Love>情节解读 这篇影评可能有剧透 王家卫的60年代三部曲中,要数最值得欣赏的是这部<花样年华>.不单单是服装场景配乐的精美,关键是恰到好处的剪辑使电影蒙太奇的语言表达发挥至极致,不同人看到的都略有不同.反复看了不下三遍,重新梳理了一下,也许和大部分人看到的不同,但是整个思路也通了,...
What Wong Kar Wai Taught Barry Jenkins About Longing In the first installment of our new video series Under the Influence, theMoonlightdirector waxes rhapsodic aboutChungking ExpressandIn the Mood for Love. Visual AnalysisNov 29, 2016 Mar 21, 2024 Apr 14, 2022...
《花樣年華》王家衛送給「那些人」的一封情書|張曼玉 梁朝偉|【午夜場名作推薦】In The Mood For Love電影萬萬歲 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多446 -- 1:52 App [B站好看原声吻戏2024]港剧经典,汤唯色戒原声吻戏,王佳芝真的太美了,至爱往往事与愿违哦~ 358 -- 2:13 App 当眼泪遇上...
In the Mood for Love is Wong Kar-wai's ravishing evocation of a unconsummated romantic relationship put through an emotional and cultural ringer, a retread of sorts through Happy Together territory, this time without the kinetic patchwork of jarring film stocks that have become Wong t...
In The Mood For Love OST的乐评。 “你是内在的海洋,你是深邃的灵魂。在你明澈的眼眸中,人生绝不会照出阴沉的面目。成堆的云雾,灼热的,冰冷的,狂乱的,纷纷就就,无法安宁的日子, 见了你都逃避了。唯有你常在”。 这是罗曼·...
《花样年华》(In the Mood for Love)影评(中英双语) 近日,英国广播公司(BBC)公布了一份榜单,列出100部最伟大的非英语电影。 这些电影由43个国家的209名影评人评选出来,包含来自24个国家的67个导演的影片,涉及19种语言。 榜单中排名第一的是日本导演黑泽明的《七武士》(Seven Samurai),BBC称它在世界各地影评...
In the Mood for Love(2000) PG 98 min|Drama, Romance Edit pageAdd to list Track Two neighbors form a strong bond after both suspect extramarital activities of their spouses. However, they agree to keep their bond platonic so as not to commit similar wrongs. ...
http://qfmeng.blogcn.com/10177.htmlIn the Mood for Love (2000)这是2012年2月1日新进入IMDB250的一部电影,继续补完它。电影讲述一对互为邻居的男女他们之间的爱情。男主角夫妇和女主角夫妇在同一天搬进一栋楼里,他们两家在日常生活中渐渐熟悉。慢慢地,男主角与女主角都不约而同的发现了自己的另一半产生了...
Brian Eggert's essay about In the Mood for Love provides an in-depth critical analysis, exploring its production, history, and themes.
《In the Mood for Love》《SomeIdeasaboutINTHEMOODFORLOVE》 Afterwatchingthismovie,Icanhardlywalkoutoftheatmosphereitcreats.Ihavemanywords,butdon'tknowhowtoexpressit.Thefilmcontainsmanythingsandonlysomeonehaswatcheditwillheunderstandthat. IntheMoodforLove,whichwonmanyawards,wasdirectedbyKarwaiWong.Itwas...