In the Mood for Love Hong Kong, 1962: Chow Mo-Wan (Tony Leung Chiu Wai) and Su Li-Zhen (Maggie Cheung Man Yuk) move into neighboring apartments on the same day. Their encounters are formal and polite—until a discovery about their spouses creates an intimate bond between them. At once...
2000年《电影手册》首次评选年度十佳,它就入选位列第五;十五年以后《手册》再次评选电影史的最佳250部电影,《花样年华》又是唯一入选的华语片。 片子的英文名很值得人琢磨,In the mood for love 在爱的情绪里。爱这个词本身就很玄学,爱的情绪更是难以界定。但至少从这部《花样年华》中,我们可以探出一些王家卫心...
Wong Kar-wai’sIn the Mood for Loveadopts the structure of a memory, where rapturous moments overcome the traditional flow of time, preserved by desire and accessed when longing calls upon the experience. A chimeric vision set in Hong Kong during the sixties, the film entails two neighbors who...
又名In the Mood for Love 改编来源刘以鬯小说《对倒》 编剧 王家卫 主演 梁朝伟张曼玉潘迪华萧炳林张耀扬 剧情 1962年的香港,两对年青的白领夫妻成为邻居,但周太太和陈先生竟然勾搭成奸,而周慕云(梁朝伟... 导赏 《花样年华》是由王家卫执导的一部反经典叙事电影,讲述了上世纪六十年代香港两个普通人的情感纠葛...
Snake in the Eagle's Shadow (1978) Paulyn Sun Mrs. Chow (voice) (as Jia-Jun Sun) Ichi the Killer (2001) Roy Cheung Mr. Chan (voice) Prison on Fire (1987) Po-chun Chow Actor In the Mood for Love (2000) Hsien Yu Actor In the Mood for Love (2000) Julien Carbon ...
In the Mood for Love: Réalisé par Wong Kar-Wai. Avec Maggie Cheung, Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Ping-Lam Siu, Tung Cho 'Joe' Cheung. Deux voisins se lient d'une amitié profonde lorsqu'ils soupçonnent les activités extraconjugales de leurs conjoints. Ils
Wong's paean to the agony'n ecstasy of buttoned-up emotions is a kind-of sequel to Days of Being Wild, shaped and scored as a valse triste. In Hong Kong, 1962, Mr Chow (Leung) and Mrs Chan (Cheung) are neighbours who discover that their spouses are having an affair. He finds excu... the Mood for Love (2000)这是2012年2月1日新进入IMDB250的一部电影,继续补完它。电影讲述一对互为邻居的男女他们之间的爱情。男主角夫妇和女主角夫妇在同一天搬进一栋楼里,他们两家在日常生活中渐渐熟悉。慢慢地,男主角与女主角都不约而同的发现了自己的另一半产生了...
If Kar-wai's Chungking Express is an ode to romance, longing and 90s Hong Kong then In the Mood for Love is an ode to 60s Hong Kong, nostalgia and desire. Watching In the Mood for Love will make you in the mood for love.
"In The Mood For Love" was an instant classic when it premiered at Cannes in 2000. It remains Wong Kar Wai's finest cinematic achievement. In the words of Lou Reed, "you're over the hill, right now." Relax, the romantic pressure is over. ...