网络已赢利的选择权 网络释义 1. 已赢利的选择权 石油英语词汇_专业词汇... ... intestine 内部的;国内的inthemoney option已赢利的选择权intimate contact 最紧密接触 ...|基于13个网页
ITM put options, therefore, are those that have strike prices above the current stock price. A put option with a strike price of $75 is considered in the money if the underlying stock is valued at $72 because the stock price has already moved below the strike. That same put option would...
All options belong to one of the three basic groups (and they can move between these groups as the market price of the underlying changes, as you will see below). The three groups are: In the money options At the money options Out of the money options Shortcuts are frequently used for...
in-the-money option 低价期权,有利价期权;
on the money这个短语的意思不是“站在钱上”,其实它的意思是:恰到好处。它的英语释义为exact or correct,译为正确,准确,恰到好处,准确无误。也可以写为right on the money, 加上right可以加重语气,不加也不影响原意。例句:His prediction was right on the money. 他的预测准确无误。money in the ...
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将“in the money option"翻译成西班牙文 opción con dinero是将“in the money option"翻译成 西班牙文。 译文示例:“Didn’t Bryant have a lot of those in the money options?” ↔ —¿Bryant no tenía muchas de esas opciones “dentro del dinero”?
Options can also beat the money(ATM) andout of the money(OTM). Key Takeaways A call option is in the money (ITM) if the market price is above the strike price. A put option is in the money if the market price is below the strike price. ...
In the money: 非常有钱的 例句: If you are one of the lucky callers chosen to play, you could be in the money. 如果你是一个幸运打进电话的人,且被选中参赛,你就可能要发财了。 Put money: 在...下赌注 例句: ...
A put option is “in-the-money” when: A. there is no put option with a lower exercise price in the expiration series. B. the stock price is higher than the exercise price of the option. C. the stock price is lower than the exercise price of the option. ...