constantina tomescu-d constantine mitsotaki constantine xi palaio constantlosses constantly constantly attended l constantly eat constantly improvemen constantly leads tide constantly strive to constantly surpass constantly surpass th constantlydo you do y constants of proporti constanttemperatureth constantdi...
Multiple myeloma (MM) is a hematological malignancy characterized by clonal proliferation of plasma cells. Although therapeutic advances have been made to improve clinical outcomes and to prolong patients’ survival in the past two decades, MM remains largely incurable. Single-cell sequencing (SCS) is...
Based on the definition of MTD and the prior estimates for the probability of DLT at each dose level, the posterior probability estimates for DLTs were calculated as 4.7%, 9.7%, 13.7%, and 17.9% for levels 1-4, respectively. The maximum planned dose level 4 (lenalidomide 25 mg/d, ...
MITS Wireless Compliance The reports can be accessed via theReportstab on the left menu. You can view the definition and sections in each report, generate a report on-demand, or schedule one-time or recurring generation of a report.
Derlei Grenzen umfaßten für frühneuzeitliche Menschen vielmehr ganze soziale Gebilde mitsamt ihren internen sozialen Verflechtungen und Machtverhältnissen. Einzelne Men- schen, Männer genau wie Frauen, handelten und verstanden sich von ihren Posi- tionen her, die sie innerhalb dieser ...
The most efficient way of representing a graph is with an adjacency matrixA ∈ R|V|×|V|. The simplest definition of the adjacency matrix is the following:\(A=({a}_{ij})\), whereaij = 1, if (vi,vj) is an edge ofGand0otherwise. Moreover, a weight can be assigned to...
a function for which the Iimits lim A(-r) and r-+t+ lim A(-r) exist for each t, then </J(·), given by 3.20, is also a regulated function. , ... ,-Furthermore, c{J(·) can suffer discontinuities at only those times ti at which A(·) is discontinuous; at all other ti...
The first workable prototype of the internet was developed in 1969 by the U.S. Department of Defense as a way to connect multiple computers on a single network. 1975 (United States) – Personal Computers The first personal computers were developed in 1975 by a small firm named MITS. It was...
The worldwide increase in older persons demands technological solutions to combat the shortage of caregiving and to enable aging in place. Smart home health technologies (SHHTs) are promoted and implemented as a possible solution from an economic and pra
Es geht also nicht um eine bloße Konstruktion von Sprache – und erst recht nicht um eine Konstruktion einer idealen Sprache mitsamt ihrer Regeln zu bestimm- ten Zwecken.29 Zugleich aber dominiert augenscheinlich eine ganz bestimmte Funktion der verwendeten Sprache das gezeichnete Bild: ...