In the middle of fall, the world around you is so different, and beautiful. Don't forget to stop and appreciate. 深秋来了, 记得停下你的脚步, 多看一看它的美。 猜你喜欢 71 In The Future by:华语音乐 1.1万 In the Sky by:自游自在_qk ...
We used the bubble maker and just had fun dancing around and popping bubbles. Nothing fancy. I think I would have tried to find a better place to shorten this, however, as the song is a little long. GOODBYE SONG: We Clap and Say Goodbye (to the tune of: The Farmer in the Dell”)...
This charming train, running in summer and fall, climbs from Montreux overlooking Lake Geneva to the old town of Gruyeres, population 1,600, home to the cheese of the same name. Tour the cheese factory and the local castle, have lunch, then reboard the train and continue on to Broc. ...
We are currently in the middle of two grants: one focused on Well-Being, and another focused on children 0-5 thriving in the community. This storytime brought both those two grants together. We have a public health nurse with us from the early learning grant, and she joined us today for...
(to the tune of: “Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush”) This is the way we pound our nails, pound our nails, pound our nails. This is the way we pound our nails, So early in the morning. Other verses: saw our wood use a screwdriver ...
It’s based on the book Polar Bear’s Underwear by tupera tupera. MOVEMENT: “Row, Row Row Your Boat” fromSongs for Wigglewormsby Old Town School of Folk Music MOVEMENT:Roly Poly (to the tune of: “Frere Jacques”) Roly poly, roly poly ...
We are currently in the middle of two grants: one focused on Well-Being, and another focused on children 0-5 thriving in the community. This storytime brought both those two grants together. We have a public health nurse with us from the early learning grant, and she joined us today for...