Means meaning in Urdu is ذریعہ - zariya. What is the synonym of Means Synonym of Means isAgency,Approach,Capital, channel, finances, funds,Income,Instrument, investment,machinery,Medium,Method, mode,Money, moneys, property,Resource, revenue,Shift, sort, substance,Support,Way,wealth...
the head of a city government Synonyms city manager, main subject, mayoressMayor Meaning With Definition in Urdu Mayor meaning in urdu is کوتوال - kotwaal, it is a english word used in various contexts. Mayor meaning is accurately described in both English and Urdu here. Thi...
Urdu- The Origin and History of the Language Published on February 17 2014 by The term ’Urdu’ and its origin The termUrduderives from a Turkish word ordu meaning camp or army. TheUrdulanguagedeveloped between the Muslim soldiers of the Mughals armies who belonged to vari...
About three hundred words in the English language come from the names of people. Many of these words are technical words. When there is a new invention or discovery, a new word may be coined after the inventor or scientist. It is interesting to observe
Our role is to help facilitate your learning, both as humans and as emerging mental health clinicians. We believe in community, and the creative ways they come about. People of color, bilingual clinicians (Arabic, Urdu, Farsi, French, Spanish and more!), and members of the LGBTQ+ community...
In the above examples,tenanddouble meaning dialog(phrase) are from English and the rest of the part is in Urdu. People change their speech in order to fit in with the person they are talking with. They code-switch when they have to talk about a particular topic or to change the context...
Islam republic English is located South Asia, east with the Indian neighbor, south side is Indian Ocean, west borders on with Iran, northwest is connected with Afghanistan, the northeast side may lead to China's Xinjiang.In Urdu, “Pakistan” this source from Persian character meaning is “th...
Astvadz-a-haytnootyoon in Armenian), meaning "revelation of God". which is the central theme of the Christmas season in the Armenian Church. "When we wish someone Merry Christmas in Armenian, we are actually saying that Christ is born and revealed, and blessed is Christ's ...
December 15, 2015 Urdu is one of the badly done language as compared to previous versions. Too many typos and so many terms have been changed. Completely misleading and confusing Anonymous January 23, 2016 The comment has been removed
The language spoken in the Maldives is similar to Sinhala, but also has aspects of Urdu, Hindi, Arabic and many, many more languages. The script is thought to have originated as a secret code for writing magical formulas so that outsiders couldn’t understand what was being written. As far...