The Use of Permanganate in the Kjeldahl Method Modified for Nitratesdoi:10.1093/jaoac/4.1.69aPhelps I KJournal of Association of Official Agricultural Chemists
Our data indicate that the difference of the TN by the two methods can serve as an independent climatic proxy. 展开 关键词: soil lake sediment nitrogen Kjeldahl method elemental analyzer method nitrogen cycle DOI: 10.1007/s11442-006-0415-5 被引量: 21 ...
Assessment of the CLSQ with MDS indicators involves the following four steps: (1) transform indicator scores; (2) identify the MDS; (3) integrate the indicator scores into a value by the CLSQI method (Li et al., 2019a); and (4) verify the accuracy of the MDS indicators for the ...
after a complex process of formation of the connective structure between the rootstock and scion5. It was used in the past to limit the effects of soil-borne diseases in successive cropping6. However, the reasons for grafting as well as the kinds of vegetable grafted have increased...
Some methods are time-consuming and expensive, involving the generation of chemical residues and pollutants in the environment (Pesti and Bakalli, 1997, Silva et al., 2003), such as the traditional Kjeldahl and Dumas (combustion) methods. They involve long processes and can take several hours ...
The objective of this research was to test suitability of the Dumas combustion method to completely substitute the Kjeldahl method in routine laboratory de... Bojana,Beljkaš,Jovana,... - 《Accreditation & Quality Assurance》 被引量: 32发表: 2010年 Protein estimation in sesame seed and rapesee...
Physicochemical methods were applied to detect the pigment and nutrient content of blades, for example, the Kjeldahl method for the measurement of nitrogen (N) and oven drying method for the determination of moisture [11]. These methods are valuable but time-consuming and destructive to the plant...
Large rivers, including the Murray River system in southeast Australia, are disturbed by many activities. The arrival of European settlers to Australia by the mid-1800s transformed many floodplain wetlands of the lower Murray River system. River impoundm
Milk–Determination of fat content–Acido-butyrometric (Gerber method), International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland (2000) Google Scholar ISO, 2013 ISO ISO 8968-1:2013. Milk and milk products–Determination of nitrogen content–Part 1: Kjeldahl principle and crude protein ...
to pass through a 0.5-mm screen and used for determination of AA by cation exchange chromatography-HPLC coupled with postcolumn ninhydrin derivatization with norleucine as the internal standard (method 982.30; AOAC International, 2016; University of Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Chemical ...