in the least 将“in the intervening period"翻译成意大利文 nel frattempo是将“in the intervening period"翻译成 意大利文。 译文示例:The refund must be fixed once a month. It may be altered in the intervening period. ↔ La restituzione deve essere fissata una volta al mese e che può...
The process of copying manuscripts, the only way in which the fragile products of centuries of accumulating knowledge could be preserved, (iii)___, a situation that did not change for two and a half centuries, until the time of Charlemagne. In the intervening period, much of Classical litera...
The clinical diagnosis was right esotropia and strabismic amblyopia and in the intervening period she had been prescribed glasses and had had occlusion for 8 hours daily to the left eye, Discussion Our experience with PL in clinical practice has shown that the method gives reliable and ...
The introduction of farming had far-reaching impacts on health, social structure and demography. Although the spread of domesticated plants and animals has been extensively tracked, it is unclear how these nascent economies developed within different environmental and cultural settings. Using molecular and...
In the intervening period there has been little objective evaluation of their merits, problems and performance, resulting in myth and rumour filling the gaps.This article presents findings of a research project that sought to identify essential success factors and investigate barriers preventing wider ...
the intervening years/months/period etc meaning, definition, what is the intervening years/months/period etc: time that passes between two events: Learn more.
the intervening period to build up the fat reserves necessary to produce offspring. 2.Snakes, like all reptiles and amphibians, are ectotherms (cold-blooded): their body temperature and functionality are dictated by the temperature of their external environment. Species diversity of reptiles decreases...
It is a commonplace that the systematic study of narrative was founded by Aristotle, and scarcely an exaggeration to say that little of significance was added to those foundations until the twentieth century. Narrative theory in the intervening period was mainly directed (or misdirected) at deducing...
In all of these cases, space was transformed into place, not just a physical terrain but a social environment of shared meanings crucial to the development of community.酷儿空间可以是情境性的,而不是静态的;在20世纪50年代,地方占有行为--地理学家将其理论化为“边缘化群体对物质、社会和精神空间的...
“我们知道,同种植物之间病虫害很容易传染” 这脑洞大的离谱吧