2. 可以询问故事主人公前后的变换,比如how did Kipper feel about the adventure in the beginning?(答案示例:he didn't like it) what about the end of the story, did he like it?3. 与生活联系起来提问, 让孩子发挥想象力what would you do if you were in a garden and suddenly became very sma...
K: They are in the garden. (他们在花园里。) 翻到封底,激发求知欲 P: Let’s look at the back cover. It says: “Two boys play in the garden. Find out where they explore.” (我们来看看封底,它写着:两个小男孩在公园玩,他们在探索什么呢。) 扉页: 情节猜测 和孩子一起聊聊这张图片上有什...
绘本《In the Garden-Collins Big Cat Pink A/Band 1A》,HarperCollins 绘本内容 What happens when Mum is in the garden tidying up, but the children just want to play? This simple, humorous story book shows two boys creating mayhem while Mum works on, unaware. It explores the different places...
One day, Goat went into the garden, Goat ate the plants. 有一天,山羊走进了花园, 吃掉了他们种的植物。 “Stop! ” said the farmer and his wife. But Goat ate and ate. “停下来!”农夫和他的妻子喊道。 但是,山羊还是不停地吃呀...
Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 6: Owls Storybooks: In the Garden,牛津阅读树:在花园,Roderick Hunt,Oxford University Press,Oxford Reading Tree
Today's Story Sharing 征集令 小朋友,故事好听吗?你想成为故事大王吗?你有精彩好听的故事想要和别人分享吗?快来报名加入我们吧! 参加对象:艺林·湖海塘国际幼儿园幼儿 准备内容:1.配乐故事音频 2.配图故事文字+100个字左右的读者简介+2—3张宝贝...
In the Night Garden Story Treasury: 8 Favourite Stories,花园宝宝宝库:8则故事,Andrew Davenport,BBC,In the Night Garden
The Donkey Prince Story 大向说英语 48 2022-11 查看更多 猜你喜欢 2.8万 The Secret Garden by:Wendy的音频 3957 The Secret Garden by:魔幻手指 8215 The Secret Garden by:樱花小美女 448 The secret garden by:tenshimie 376 Garden-jizue by:性感爵士乐 ...
1. Repeat the story with the key words and sentences. 2. Ask the children to complete the following sentence, listing all the items they can see in the picture: e.g. In the garden, I can see… Blackboard Design In the garden Glow sandpit jungle bumble-bee Desert frightened paw yell ...