In the Flesh: Created by Dominic Mitchell. With Luke Newberry, Harriet Cains, Marie Critchley, Steve Cooper. Four years after the Rising, the government starts to rehabilitate the Undead for reentry into society, including teenager Kieren Walker, who ret
In the Flesh《复生(2013)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本 星级: 37 页 In the Flesh《复生(2013)》第一季第三集完整中英文对照剧本 星级: 34 页 In the Flesh《复生(2013)》第二季第一集完整中英文对照剧本 星级: 40 页 In the Flesh《复生(2013)》第二季第三集完整中英文对照剧本 星级...
内容提示: 对我来说最糟糕的副作用 The worst side effects, for me, 就是闪回 are the flashbacks. 我对她做过的事 历历在目 It's so vivid, what I did to her, 这种愧疚感 折磨着我 and the guilt, it's crippling. 现在政♥府♥打算把这些危险的魔鬼 Now the government is ...
in the flesh《复生(2013)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,吉伦看着我你是什么 Kieren, look at me. what are you? 我是个部分死亡综合症患者 I am a Partially Deceased Syndrome sufferer. 未治疗状态下的行为并非我的过错 What 1 did in my untreated state was
Ifyoustickthembothtogetherinyourgobit'sthesamething.你真幽默 Veryfunny. 吉伦 "Kieren." 吉伦 Kieren. 放松没事了 It'sallright.It'sallright. 没事的好的 It'sOK.Good. 又是无意识复发记忆吗 Anotherinvoluntaryrecurrentmemory? 越来越清晰了
Haveyoufinishedinthebathroom? 我刚进来 I'veonlyjustgotin. 你要蹲很久吗 Areyougoingtobelong? 史蒂夫你还要在里面多久 Steve,howlongareyougoingtobeinthere? 你把水烧上我马上出来 Well,putthekettleonandthenI'llbedone. 史蒂夫我要上班了 Steve!I'vegottogettowork. ...
Yeah,thelivingcanbejustasdangerous,son. 记住我说的 Youmarkmywords. 来吧走吧走吧 Now,comeon.Let'sgo,let'sgo. 来吧 Comeon. "蓝色赦免"屡禁不止 但他们到处吃人脑 Buttheywentaroundeatingbrains. 那是刚开始 Yeah,thatwasinthebeginning, 但他们现在有接受药物治疗不是吗 ...
in the flesh《复生(2013)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,寻人启事挚爱的孙子和朋友 第一集 复生 待售 危险 高度戒备 半死症治疗区 人类志愿军老兵饮酒免费 密 hearts;码hearts; 我们了解半死症 支援人类志愿军 诺顿村以无僵尸氛围为傲 里克生日快乐 诺顿村半死症
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