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歌手:Linkin Park It starts with you One thing I don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme to Explain in due time All I know Time is a valuable thing The pendulum swings Watch it count down to the end of the day ...
Linkin Park - In The End
Linkin Park - In The End
歌曲In The End的歌词下载: In The End - Linkin Park (It starts with one) 它始于 一件事 One thing I don"t know why 有一件事,我不知道为什么 It doesn’t even matter how hard you try 不管你怎样努力都无济于事 Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme ...
Linkin Park In the End Made by 淡森 It starts with one thing 这起始于一件事 I don’t know why我不明白 为什么 It doesn’t even matter How hard you try不管你怎样努力都无济于事 Keep that in mind 我把它保存在记忆里 I designed this rhyme To explain in due time写下这首歌曲 在适当的...
Linkin Park-In the End的QQ空间背景音乐外链: 歌曲Linkin Park-In the End的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供Linkin Park-In the End的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。
爱给网提供海量的爱给配乐库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp3 格式的林肯公园到底(Linkin Park-In the End), 本站编号66673852, 该爱给配乐库素材大小为8m, 时长为03:28, 声道为立体声, 音质为HQ高品质, 比特率为320k, 采样率为44100k, 该素材已被下载:11次, 更多精彩爱给配乐库素材,尽在爱给网。
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