乍一看,短语 in at the deep end 是一个错误的短语,因为既然有 in 了,为什么还有 at 呢,不但结构上让人捉摸不定,而且意思上也让人扑朔迷离,但其实这个短语是存在的且是正确的。首先来摸清 in at the deep end 的字面意思;end 是“末端,尽头”等意思,那么 at the deep end 就是“在深的尽头”...
乍一看,短语 in at the deep end 是一个错误的短语,因为既然有 in 了,为什么还有 at 呢,不但结构上让人捉摸不定,而且意思上也让人扑朔迷离,但其实这个短语是存在的且是正确的。 首先来摸清 in at the deep end 的字面意思;end 是“...
但是万一你进入的部门确实是人手不够,那些有重任的工作也等不得你慢慢熟悉了,这时候就会把你throw in the deep end,短短几周的时间,你也得立刻上马,写报告、向整个团队做演示,很像电影中的职场角色吧,很酷,当然闪电般的速度,那种压力也是很大的。这个短语中的deep end,指的就是游泳池的最深处,一般...
kick (someone or something) to the curb:抛弃(某人或某物)The Free Dictionary英语释义:To discard, abandon, or dismiss someone or something that has become redundant, obsolete, useless, or unwanted.例句:I can't believe that after 20 years of hard work the company would just kick me to the ...
Recently, I've been reading "The Jungle Book" to my children and we're about to finish it. Although the language might be a bit advanced for preschoolers, they are totally captivated by the story. It might seem like I've decided to "throw them in at the deep end", but they're ...
当当上海外文书店旗舰店在线销售正版《预订In at the Deep End: A Survival Guide for Teachers in Post-Compulsory Education》。最新《预订In at the Deep End: A Survival Guide for Teachers in Post-Compulsory Education》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽
Books: IN AT THE DEEP END; ATLANTIS by DAVID GIBBONS (Headline Pounds 6.99)Read the full-text online article and more details about Books: IN AT THE DEEP END; ATLANTIS by DAVID GIBBONS (Headline Pounds 6.99).The Mirror (London, England)...
短语In at the deep end 的意思就是:在你没有任何经验的情况下被置于一种很难的地位或很棘手的工作中。于世加上动词thrown后,这个习语的意思是“to make someone do something, especially a job, without preparing them for it or helping them”,让某人做某项工作,但是又没让他准备或不...
In the Deep End. 来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 45 作者:Lstiburek,W Joseph 摘要: The article discusses the design of indoor swimming pools and water parks. It describes a simplest design solution that includes the water control layer, the air control layer, the vapor control layer and the ...
in at the deep end 从难入手 (单词翻译:单击) 如果你被形容为In at the deep end 意思就是在你没有任何经验的情况下被置于一种很难的地位或很棘手的工作中。 例句 Our Boss thinks the best way to introduce staff to the job is to throw them in at the deep and see how theycope1....