In the Dark: Created by Corinne Kingsbury, Anna Fisher. With Perry Mattfeld, Casey Deidrick, Morgan Krantz, Keston John. Murphy is a hard-living, hard-drinking, disaffected twenty-something. She's also blind. Her life comes crashing down when she stumble
A story about an alcoholic, blind nymphomaniac detective and her trusted guide dog sounds like a bad series somebody would pitch in a Hollywood satire, and after watching three episodes ofIn the Dark, I remain, well, in the dark about how this came to be a real thing that The CW is a...
the young girl who was featured in the originalAlone In The Dark 2.However this time, she plays a completely different role and is a bit of an anachronism to the timeline of the original series here
A Blade in the Darkis probably best known for the brutality of its violence. Even after repeat viewings, the murders are still, at times, difficult to watch. In the most infamous of them, one of Bruno’s neighbours is killed while washing her hair over a sink. The violenc...
Too bad the review committee members are actually doctors. 天啊,你们俩简直就是一对活宝,什么都不肯承认,把好心想帮你们的律师当猴耍是吧?但非常不幸的是,委员会的成员们都是真正的医生 9. - Judging from your question, and your demeanor I assume you were visiting with House. We've been over ...
Dancer in the Dark 767 reviews Hide spoilersReview RatingsShow all Sort byFeatured 9/10 Odd, bleak, but ultimately transfixing musical drama, pop singer Björk immerses herself completely in this tailor-made role. The reviews were extremely black and white for this art-house film. People were...
Ki-Tek tries to deliver a heartfelt speech like a TV patriarch but severely lacks the gravitas. Chung-Sook and Ki-Jung are already drinking their beers. KI-WOO Cheers! KI-TEK To family! (re: window) That son of a bitch. It’s not even dark yet! 6. The family turns to se...
The Me You Love in the Dark #3 has Ro and the Entity getting closer. While the Entity hasn't shown itself, the horror elements are there.
“I’ll Be Gone in the Dark” never loses sight of McNamara as a person. Friends and family, including Oswalt, are interviewed extensively and ensure that this remains her story. She died suddenly in 2016 and Oswalt and others helped finish the book. The series avoids judgment about the ...
down. It shouldn’t really surprise anyone that yes I threw down the $29 to watch Mulan today. I had a single member of the Darke Court with me today who has been part of my pod during the needed safety precautions. You may be asking if I will review Tenet or New Mutants anytime ...