Claims relating to the benefits of attending self-help groups on the mental health functioning of individuals with depression or manic depression were examined in the context of a well-controlled study and a validated measure of individual attendance. A test was conducted to probe the conjecture ...
the entropy weight TOPSIS model is used to measure the HQD levels of 19 provincial units located in the Yellow River Basin (YRB) and the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) in 2010–2019, and with the assistance of the Obstacle Degree Model, the obstacle factors affecting the HQD of both ...
In the context of the rise of the Yellow River Basin as a national strategy, the importance of using the Yellow River Basin railroad network to carve out the urban network of the basin and to measure the network resilience is particularly important, so it is also feasible to use the ...
Linkages between climate and human activity are often calibrated at daily or monthly resolutions, which lacks the granularity to observe intraday adaptation behaviors. Ignoring this adaptation margin could mischaracterize the health consequences of future climate change. Here, we construct an hourly outdoor...
However, the role of education might be sensitive to sociocultural context. Similar to our findings, other investigations from the Rotterdam Study,36 the Rochester Epidemiology Project,37 and the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging38 reported a lack of association between dementia incidence and ...
We used ancestry informative markers (AIMs) and phenotypic data on left-ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) collected in the context of the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) to address two related questions: (1) what agreement is there between SRE and clusters created based on the genotyped...
The inclusion of a Task Sharing Complexity Framework developed by our team is a novel contribution to the literature. To our knowledge, our study is the first to propose a framework for team-based hypertension care and applied to assess for differences in team-based care effect on BP-lowering...
The translations were motivated by deliberate, strategic, and pragmatic rationales, contingent on combinations of features of the actors’ organizational contexts, and the transformability and organizational complexity of the QICs. The findings point to a transformative power of translation, as different ...
In a recent study, relevant in the context of the present paper, Pagnottoni (2023) analyzes the topology of shock transmission within the cryptocurrency, carbon emission, and energy markets. The author proposes a topological framework for variance decomposition analysis of multivariate time series in...
Fishborne diseases are among the major causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Contamination of the aquatic ecosystem and unhygienic handling practices along the fish supply chain can lead to a contaminated fish. Consumption of raw or under cooked fish and fish products is a major source of...