The total map length was 934.6 cM(Kosambi),with an average spacing of 8.4 cM,covering 64.4%of the estimated genome size.Furthermore,a female-specific SCAR marker,CseF-382,was mapped on LG5.This study represents the first genetic linkage map in the tongue sole.This map has great potential ...
Of these 216 were mapped on seven linkage groups at LOD4.0 spanning 1183.7cM with an average marker density of 5.48cM. Phenotypic data from the RILs was used to identify QTLs for the seed weight and seed size traits by single marker analysis (SMA) followed by composite interval mapping (CIM...
A total of 44,503 SNP markers were mapped on the constructed consensus map, and they covered 5,437.92 cM across 21 chromosomes. The consensus map showed high collinearity with the individual maps and the wheat reference genome IWGSC RefSeq v2.1. Phenotypic data on eight yield-related traits ...
Key message We utilized a combination of BSA and RNA-Seq to identify SNPs linked to the Rfd1 locus, a restorer-of-fertility gene in radish. A high-density linkage map was constructed using this approach. Abstract Male fertility of cytoplasmic male sterility conditioned by the Dongbu cytoplasmic...
Controlled pedigrees and the multi-decade timescale of national crop plant breeding programs offer a unique experimental context for examining how selection affects plant genomes. More than 3000 wheat cultivars have been registered, released, and documented since 1949 in China. In this study, a set...
Comparative analysis using these physically mapped marker loci revealed a higher degree of synteny with the reference genome. The SNP genotype data were utilized to construct an intra-specific genetic linkage map of maize consisting of 3,305 bins on 10 linkage groups spanning 2,236.66 cM at an ...
A high-density genetic linkage map is of particular importance in the fine mapping for important economic traits and whole genome assembly in aquaculture species. The channel catfish ( Ictalurus punctatus ), a species native to North America, is one of the most important commercial freshwater fish...
Analysis of mutated genes, in the context of pathways and networks [8] or three-dimensional structures [5,9], has aided the detection of driver variants, also illuminating mechanisms adopted by cancer cells for tumor growth and spread. For example, frequently mutated oncodrivers rarely participate...
a genetic linkage map containing 65 polymorphic loci was constructed for identifying traits associated with the plant height of cucumber.The genetic linkage map consisted of seven linkage groups,and was,totally,831.6 cM in length.The average distance between two neighour loci was 12.7 cM,the ...
Context Combining field-based assessments with remote-sensing proxies of landscape patterns provides the opportunity to monitor terrestrial ecosystem health status in support of sustainable development goals (SDG). Objectives Linking qualitative field data with quantitative remote-sensing imagery to map terrest...