Recombination, the process of DNA exchange between homologous chromosomes during meiosis, plays a major role in genomic diversity and evolutionary change. Variation in recombination rate is widespread despite recombination often being essential for progr
These findings highlight the importance of studying individuals of African ancestry in the context of GWAS. We then compared the number of independent genomic loci identified by our meta-analysis and MTAG approaches (Supplementary Fig. 3). Notably, our MTAG increased the discovery of genetic loci ...
Discovery gene-based association analyses were completed for variant set 1, 2, and 3 in each of the four linkage regions and a Bonferroni correction adjusting for the number of genes tested was applied in each region to establish four discovery significance thresholds. Any genes with at least on...
In the context of a continuously increasing human population that needs to be fed, with environmental protection in mind, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) improvement is becoming very important. To understand the natural variation of traits linked to nitrogen uptake efficiency (UPE), one component of ...
The genotype-by-environment interaction (GxE) in beef cattle can be investigated using reaction norm models to assess environmental sensitivity and, combined with genome-wide association studies (GWAS), to map genomic regions related to animal adaptation
proximal crossovers in mutants defective in maintenance of CG (met1), or CHG (cmt3) sequence context DNA methylation. Centromere-proximal crossovers decreased and increased inmet1andcmt3, respectively, and fine-scale remodelling of the recombination landscape was observed, although the satellite ...
We perform cis-eQTL mapping in seven tissues and assess the differences between LA adjustment and GA adjustment in the context of this admixed sub-cohort. For the subset of loci where the two ancestry adjustment methods yield different results, we perform GWAS/eQTL colocalization analyses with ...
number of high-quality genetic simulators have been developed, many of them require advanced knowledge in population genetics or in computation to be used effectively. In addition, generating simulated data in the context of family-based studies demands sophisticated methods and advanced computer ...
1b; Kendall’s tau correlation coefficients = 0.9091–0.9626), and we combined them into a single composite linkage map using five maps that capture the genetic diversity of the seven distinct parents (Supplementary Table 3). The composite map spans 1817.9 centimorgans, accounting for a ...
A C4 crop, sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is the fifth most important cereal crop and is the dietary sta- ple of more than 500 million people in 98 countries1,2. This crop is drought tolerant and can be grown in semi-arid conditions, where maize, wheat, and rice cannot be ...