だけど in the below context是什么意思? I was watching a video where characters introduced themselves in a video As a response to the question "How old are you?", the character responded with "16だけど。” I'm only familiar with the usage of dakedo in terms of "but, however", so wh...
In this context the writer is saying that though the content of the books is important, it’s surprising that the books should be required . My guess is they mean either that people should already have this knowledge - or that inflation should never have got to such a bad point for them...
Reporting Currency - Translation from Measurement Currency to Presentation Currency The standards, which have been set in bold italic type, should be read in the context of the background material and implementation guidance in this Standard, and in the context of the Preface to International Account...
As well asmaking access both in and out of buildings easier for people, the difference in the way many of these doors open helps reduce the total areaoccupiedby them. Automatic doors often open to the side, with the panels sliding across one another. Replacing swing doors, theseallowsmaller ...
After learning a bunch of (一堆) new words, you can write a short story using all of these words. This way, you can better remember the spelling and learn how to use the words. What’s more, you’ll learn how to use the w...
Secondly, people move to th 讲 e cities to find work, as there are often very few job 题 s in the countryside. Sometimes villages remain becau 目 se people from the cities have bought a second home in the village, where they come and stay at weekends. The prices of houses g...
このように、"comes in"は何かが含まれていることを示す表現として使われます。原文の例文でも、ウィザードが複数のバリエーションやシステムの組み合わせを含んでいることを表しています。 joest 7月8日 英语(美国) “Comes in” means in this context “has the following features or optio...
This study of the regulation of sexuality in the Qing dynasty explores the social context for sexual behavior criminalized by the state, arguing that the eighteenth century in China was a time of profound change in sexual matters. During this time, the basic organizing principle for state regulati...
Services might come up in something like, "The company offers different services depending on the need of the client." or "The bank offers many financial services to help customers get the most from their money." Hope this is helpful. You ask very intelligent questions... ...