upon the moral treatment appealed to modernist-minded authorities who understood the treatment as a means to not only garner political favor given their focus on the less fortunate citizen-subjects but to create a national project that would reflect the grandeur and benevolence of the imperial state...
However, Bryan’s radical populism alienated many voters, especially in the east, and he had always lost by substantial margins. Although many felt the Democratic Party had become more conservative and less receptive to “Bryanism” over time, division in the Republican party created a window of...
Charles Fenton. To capture the true spirit of Hemingway’s quote one should include the next sentence, “The way to make people trust-worthy is to trust them. But this man is not a person that works with that system.”
nation.Thistraditionhadbeencontinued,he argued,by‘thepracticalmenoftheLabourParty’whoappealed‘totheinstinctofthe Australianpeople’asopposedtotheunrealisticand,byimplication,dangeroussocialist idealists. 3 TheprotagonistinAustraliawas‘theAustralianpeople’. 4 Sothe‘classstruggle betweenthelandlessmajorityand...