Let's say you're having a good convo with your BFF, texting about your new crush on the kid who sits behind you in science class and how you're too scared to talk to them, but then your friend replies, "smh." Um, huh?! What does that mean? Are they judging you or something?
"AbbreviationZ, "The A to Z of Acronyms & Abbreviations on the Net," is a must for those who may have scratched their head a time or two when tyring to figure out what a certain phrase means. This Web site has a search bar that lets you search for phrases, abbreviations, or acroym...
"AbbreviationZ, "The A to Z of Acronyms & Abbreviations on the Net," is a must for those who may have scratched their head a time or two when tyring to figure out what a certain phrase means. This Web site has a search bar that lets you search for phrases, abbreviations, or acroym...
"AbbreviationZ, "The A to Z of Acronyms & Abbreviations on the Net," is a must for those who may have scratched their head a time or two when tyring to figure out what a certain phrase means. This Web site has a search bar that lets you search for phrases, abbreviations, or acroym...
B4 using texting abbreviations in your marketing messages, ask yourself: Do my target users use text abbreviations regularly? Do they know what the popular abbreviations mean? Do they like abbreviations in the messages they receive? Are my target users young or old?
Stg, also written as STG, is a text abbreviation that stands for “swear to God” and is used to express passionate belief or intense exasperation, as in I stg
students sort through challenging reading, the answer is a heartbeat away. With a clean interface and the option of limiting to a particular domain (governmental, internet, academic), this is a site worth bookmarking. Bonus: you can finally understand what your students are texting about. OMG!
moreI live in the US and Android is better. I can afford an iPhone but no thanks. No sideloading, no buy. I do have a hand-me-down XR but I didn't buy that. The ecosystem for me is fine. Just fine. What the hell do you mean by "-be a man"? I'm not gonna "be a man...
"RCS is the modern industry standard for messaging, and it's already been adopted by most of the industry. We hope every device maker gets the message and adopts RCS, making texting better for every smartphone user." Article Link: Google Claims Apple Follows Its...
Perfect, but instead all this potential is wasted. The betrayal felt by anyone who trusts this type of person once their mask drops is immense and there's a lot of mileage in this, not least the misunderstandings and breakups he could engineer between the main couple before they twig what...