写作规范:当引用的资源是是出自于另外一个资源时(secondary source),用sp格式写出原始资源的信息,在文后的reference list中列出间接资源,同时将二手资源用圆括号形式列在in-text中,并使用:as cited in… 13)相同作者在相同年份发表的两个或两个以上文章 范例:Research by Durgin (2003b) has yielded new finding...
In-Text References Using APA Style In Academic WritingThe documentation style of the American Psychological Association (APA) is used by many different kinds of scholars and it is certainly a very effective system for citing and listing sources. However, it is not the easiest of referencing ...
写作规范:当引用的资源是是出自于另外一个资源时(secondary source),用sp格式写出原始资源的信息,在文后的reference list中列出间接资源,同时将二手资源用圆括号形式列在in-text中,并使用:as cited in… 13)相同作者在相同年份发表的两个或两个以上文章 范例: Research by Durgin (2003b) has yielded new findi...
写作规范:当你引用同一个作者在同一年份出版的多个作品时,在文后的reference list中,在年份后使用小写字母(a,b,..)标出,并且在文中in-text中使用相同的小写字母列出。
APA格式论文的in-text reference写作规范是确保学术诚信的关键步骤。在撰写过程中,正确引用他人的观点和研究成果至关重要,否则可能导致抄袭指控。本文将深入解析在论文中in-text reference的13种常见写作规则,帮助你避免错误并确保学术表达的规范性。首先,了解抄袭的标志:直接引用未标明、引号缺失、无个人...
In-Text Citations APA citations should include the author’s name and the year of publication (a page number is optional). Citations go befo..
APA引用格式总的可以分为文中引用(In-text citation)和最后的Reference(参考文献)部分,两者格式略有不同,今天小海马就来介绍下他们的引用格式。 文中引用(in-text citation)格式 单个作者 对于作者,文中引用通常也有两种不同的方式,一个是括号内引用(Parenthetical Citation),另一个是叙述性引用(Narrative Citation...
In-text reference example: Akbar discusses the status of theatre as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic (2020). Full reference example: Akbar, A. (2020) ‘The next act: how the pandemic is shaping online theatre’s future’, The Guardian, 21 September. Available at: https://www.theguard...
Example: IEEE in-text citations treated as nouns[1] suggests that further investigation is required. But according to [2], … In both cases, the bracketed number alone indicates a citation. You should never label the number with a word like “reference” or “citation.” Reference [1] [...
Example: Paraphrase with APA Style in-text citation The evolutionary process consists of a series of incremental changes over a long period of time (Darwin, 1859, p. 510). However, to avoid over-citation, bear in mind that some information is consideredcommon knowledgeand doesn’t need to be...