APA in-text citation for sources with two authors If your source has two authors, place them in the order they appear on the source. Do not place them in alphabetical order. Narrative In-text APA Citation: Use the word “and” in between the authors’ names. ...
If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator. Streefkerk, R. (2024, September 05).APA In-Text Citations (7th Ed.) | Multiple Authors & Missing Info...
You’ll also find variations of in-text citations within each format, depending on factors like the type of source and number of authors. For help understanding how to create in-text citations, you’ll find handy citation guides for APA, MLA and Chicago formats on the Cite This For Me ...
Ways to cite text Ways to cite text • You may put the author’s name in the body of your text and just put page number in parentheses at the end of the sentence. Ex: Wordsworth stated that Romantic poetry was marked by a "spontaneous overflow of ...
2 WhyAPA? APAformatisawidelyrecognizedstandardforscientificwritinginpsychologyandeducation.Itiswidelyusedinpaperpresentationininternationalconferencesandadoptedbynumerousinternationallyrenownedjournalsasaformatofpublishing.3 APAstyleofreferencing TwomainpartstocorrectreferencinginAPAstyle:1)In-textCitation:The...
independently screened the titles and abstracts and reviewed the full-text of the eligible articles. References of eligible articles were also screened for other relevant studies. Selection criteria For a study to be included in this meta-analysis, two authors (G.L. and R.H.) must have agreed...
Citing Works by Two Authors Cite both authors throughout the work. Citations inside parentheses use the ampersand (&). Citations outside parentheses, use "and.” According to the study, 25% of people prefer cats over dogs (Smith & Brown, 2004). ...
An APA in-text citation is written in the author-date style, which includes up to two authors’ last names and the year of publication. If the citation refers to a specific passage, like a direct quote, also include the location, such as a page number or time stamp, with the correct ...
In 2016, researchers developed an algorithm to recognize suspicious citation patterns, including groups of authors that disproportionately cite one another and groups of journals that cite each other frequently to increase the impact factors of their publications. ...
How do I cite a source with multiple authors and editions in APA style? To cite a source with multiple authors and an edition number in APA style, you need to know the names of the authors, title of the book, edition number, and publisher. The in-text citation of a book with multipl...