In-text citation format with et al. The phrase “et al.” is used with in-text citations (includingAPA parenthetical citations) only when referencing a source that hasthree or more authors.Include the name of only the first author’s last name plus “et al.” in every citation. ...
doi:10.34193/ei-a-6448Y. JoshiEditage Insights
The ”al” in “et al.” is always followed by a full stop. Other punctuation marks, such as a comma, can follow the full stop after ”al”. Usage of “et al.” in an in-text citation When providing a citation for a source with four or more authors, the following format is...
在学术写作中,我们一定会进行的重要工作是引用(citation),一般在两个地方包括对他人工作的引用:一是在正文中,二是在文章末尾的参考书目列表中。今天,浪花课堂的鲸鱼老师来给大家讲讲为什么以及如何在文章中进行“In-text citations ”。 What is In-text ...
1.文本内引用(in-text citation)文本内引用是在学术论文的正文内进行的引用。In-text citation提醒读者注意你写的观点来源于他人。写in-text citation时,要在文中注明相关的引文。以Harvard格式为例:A recent study reveals new information about child health (Wikes,2006).2.参考书目引用(works cited)参考...
Carlson et al. (2012) wanted to introduce Julio Contazar and other Latin American writers to an audience of English-speaking adolescents. Some argue that there is a considerable research to be done on this issue (Peter, Atkinson, & Hull, 2013). ...
1. Directory to APA in-text citation models (文中的资源引用格式)。在文中至少要在引用资源的同时写出资源的作者及时间。对于直接引用或者概括性的资源,标明页码也是需要的。称作in-text APA。 2. Directory to APA references (文后的索引格式)。在整个文章之后,需要按字母顺序将所引用的资源列出称为:referenc...
Parenthetical Citation:(Parker, 1978, as cited in Bloom et al., 2017) Narrative Citation:Parker(1978, as cited in Bloom et al., 2017) 原始来源年份不清楚的情况下,可以不写。 引用网站或者软件 通常来说,对于网站或者软件的一般性引用不需要进行文中引用或者在参考文献中提及,直接在文中叙述即可。
How do I create IEEE in-text citations? When do I need an IEEE in-text citation? When should I use “et al.” in IEEE citation format? How do I cite the same source repeatedly in IEEE citation format? Cite this Scribbr article If you want to cite this source, you can copy...
Inin引用text 系统标签: citationstextbackchannel文本引用parenthetical In In--text Citations text Citations Also called Also called Parenthetical Documentation Parenthetical Documentation Basic Directions Basic Directions • You must not only list your sources on the Works Cited page, but you must indica...