比如在In text citation中引用时,MLA的格式为: Arguing that fate has little to do with the tragedy that befalls Oedipus, Bernard Knox writes that “the catastrophe of Oedipus is that he discovers his own identity; and for his discovery he is first and last responsible”. 4.CHICAGO格式的IN ...
Chicago格式的In text citations Chicago格式的引文标注起来相对比较简单,通常只需要在需要加入地方的右上方按顺序进行添加就可以了。另外在Chicago格式中,注文也可以采用endnotesor footnotes的方式。 需要注意的是,注文应该选择单倍行距,但注文各条目之间则要用双倍行距。例如: There are many reasons for intestinal scar...
What are the two in-text citation options in Chicago style? How do you format in-text citations for the author-date style? Where should in-text citations be placed with the author-date style? What do in-text citations look like with the notes and bibliography style?
Chicago格式在几种in text citation中算是相对比较简单的一种,通常要求在需要加入注释的文字或段落的右上方按序添加。Chicago格式的另一特点是,可以采用endnotes(脚注)or footnotes(尾注)的方式来添加注文。 要特别注意的一点是,注文要求使用单倍行距,但各注文之间要求使用双倍行距。芝加哥引用格式突下: During the tur...
4.CHICAGO格式的IN TEXT CITATIONS Chicago格式的引文标注起来相对比较简单,通常只需要在需要加入地方的右上方按顺序进行添加就可以了。另外在Chicago格式中,注文也可以采用endnotes or footnotes的方式。 需要注意的是,注文应该选择单倍行距,但注文各条目之间则要用双倍行距。例如: ...
In text citations的运用场景 • 释义 释义是用自己的话复述别人的观点和想法,组织新的语言结构加以阐述。写释义时需要在文间或者脚注下对文本加以说明。如果原作者的思想见解独到,应额外加以注解,以便使其和自己的内容区分开来。 • 总结 总结是用自己的语言,按照一定逻辑对别人的观点进行阐述并加以评论。当需...
Chicago Style with In-Text Citations Chicago (or Turabian, after Kate L. Turabian) is the style of the University of Chicago and has its own unique set of rules for composing and documenting a paper. Chicago comes in two different forms, one using notes and a bibliography and one using ...
. . .As Nietzsche summarized, “in every philosophy there is a point where the philosopher’s ‘conviction’ steps onto the stage” (9). How to do in-text citations: Chicago format Remember that in the Chicago format, in-text citations are optional—unlike in APA and MLA, where they ...
If you’re looking to learn more aboutfootnotes in Chicago format,MLA in-text & parenthetical citations, or want to learn how tocite websites in MLA, EasyBib.com has the information you need to be a citing superstar. Types of APA In-text Citations ...
MLA格式是论文引用的另一个重要格式,它的引用要求比APA格式更严格。该文件由两部分组成:In-text citation和文章后面的WorksCited页面。例如,以以下格式引用文内MLA格式: In order to prevent starvation, Watney knew exactly what he needed to do. “My best bet for making calories is potatoes” (Weir 17)...