doi:10.34193/ei-a-6448Y. JoshiEditage Insights
Usage of “et al.” in an in-text citation When providing a citation for a source with four or more authors, the following format is used in Harvard style: (Surname of the first authoret al., Year of publication) Example: “Continuous flow LVAS rely on pressure gradients between th...
then “et al.” can be used for the remaining names for each citation throughout the text. If this doesn’t help to distinguish the sources, but the first initials are different, they can be used as well (T. Hanks et al.). As a last resort, a letter can accompany the year (2018...
1. 文内引用(Citation/In-text Reference) 1)文内引用比较简单,在所有引用的语句之后,在小括号中标明文献第一作者的姓氏+文献出版年份(注:reference需要在逗号/句号等标点前) 例如: - "After that I lived like a young rajah in all the capitals of Europe…" (Fitzgerald, 2004). 2)2-3位作者使用“&...
How do I create IEEE in-text citations? When do I need an IEEE in-text citation? When should I use “et al.” in IEEE citation format? How do I cite the same source repeatedly in IEEE citation format? Cite this Scribbr article If you want to cite this source, you can copy...
APA引用格式总的可以分为文中引用(In-text citation)和最后的Reference(参考文献)部分,两者格式略有不同,今天小海马就来介绍下他们的引用格式。 文中引用(in-text citation)格式 单个作者 对于作者,文中引用通常也有两种不同的方式,一个是括号内引用(Parenthetical Citation),另一个是叙述性引用(Narrative Citation...
II. Using direct quotation III. Using indirect quotation (Paraphrase and Summary) 图片 APA格式思维导图 Part 1 In-Text Citations 即文中引用格式,在文中至少要在引用资源的同时写出资源的作者及时间。 作者名字只需要last name,时间只需年份。
Style (Discipline) In-text citation In-text usage notes End-list usage notes ACM (computing) ASCE (civil engineering) et al. Use with three or more authors right from the first instance. ‘et al.’ is not used. List all authors. ACS (chemistry) et al. Use with three or more authors...
Using et al. in MLA style InMLA style, always use “et al.” for sources with three or more authors. This applies to bothMLA in-text citationsand theWorks Citedlist. “Et al.” in MLA style Number of authorsIn-text citation exampleWorks cited example ...
In-Text Citations APA citations should include the author’s name and the year of publication (a page number is optional). Citations go befo..